Graduate Concentrations

Critical Studies Concentration Curriculum

Total credits required for a Critical Studies concentration: 15.0

To successfully complete the Critical Studies concentration, studies must 15.0 credits in one of the three categories: History, Theory, or Criticism/Practice.

The following reflects the requirements for students entering in the 2019-20 academic year.



Complete 15.0 credits from the following courses:
History of Photography AH 332 3.0
Baroque Art in Italy AH 336 3.0
Islamic Art & Architecture AH 340 3.0
History of Graphic Design AH 341 3.0
Art History and Its Methods 345-TH 3.0
Medieval Art & Architecture AH 348 3.0
History of Modern Design AH 358 3.0
History of Africana Art AH 360 3.0
Problems in Contemporary Art AH 370 3.0
History of Film AH 390 3.0
Twentieth Century Latin American Art AH 403 3.0
Aspects of Contemporary Art AH 412 3.0
Modern/Contemporary Chinese Art AH 419 3.0
The Artist's Studio: Renaissance - Today AH 424 3.0
Race, Space and Place AH 453 3.0
Gods, Graves, and Scholars AH 458 3.0
Seeing After Freedom AH 462 3.0
Contemporary Asia thru Postcolonial AH 464 3.0
Visual Culture of 9/11 AH 467 3.0
Women in the History of Art AH 472 3.0
Making Medieval Books AH 5430 3.0
Postwar Italian Cinema AH 5545 3.0
Graduate Survey of Contemporary Art, Design, and Theory AH 5582 3.0
Using Critical Theory CRT 5500 3.0
Crisis Century I CRT 5524 3.0
Crisis Century II CRT 5525 3.0
Reading Literature for Artistic Inspiration CRT 5580 3.0
Graduate Colloquium CRST 5650 3.0
Critical Seminar I ILP 5500 3.0
Critical Seminar II ILP 5550 3.0
Trans/Feminism LIT 330-TH 3.0
Masculinity LIT 361-TH 3.0
Queer Literature and Theory LIT 368-TH 3.0
Environmental Literature LIT 442 3.0
Stories and Images from Latin America LIT 485 3.0
Gender in Film MCLT 412 3.0
Religion and American Consumerism RELG 369-TH 3.0



Complete 15.0 credits from the following courses:
Contemporary Architectural Criticism AH 379-TH 3.0
Race, Space and Place AH 453 3.0
Contemporary Asia through Postcolonialism AH 464 3.0
Design Theory and Practice CRT 5402 3.0
Using Critical Theory CRT 5500 3.0
Aesthetics & Critical Theory 1 CRST 5504 3.0
Aesthetics & Critical Theory 2 CRST 5550 3.0
Graduate Colloquium CRST 5650 3.0
Critical Race Theory HMST 315-TH 3.0
Queer Literature and Theory LIT 368-TH 3.0
Media Ethics MCLT 317-TH 3.0
Performance Studies and Cyber Theory MCLT 388-TH 3.0
Avant-Garde Film MCLT 415 3.0
Infinity and the Sublime PHIL 352-TH 3.0
Bioethics PHIL 353-TH 3.0
Contemporary Political Philosophy PHIL 371-TH 3.0
Animal Magic PHIL 385 3.0
Activism and Social Theory SSCI 345-TH 3.0



Complete 15.0 credits of the following courses:
Archive/Museum/Gallery AH 395 3.0
Exhibition Development Seminar AH 405 3.0
Intermediate Poetry Workshop CWRT 326 3.0
Writing the Short Film CWRT 347 3.0
Intermediate Fiction Writing Workshop CWRT 365 3.0
Advanced Creative Writing: Literary Fiction CWRT 403 3.0
Advanced Creative Writing: Writing History CWRT 468 3.0
Graduate Writing: Curating Ideas CWRT 5017 3.0
Reading and Writing Graphic Narratives CWRT 5410 3.0
Creative Writing for Illustrators CWRT 5510 3.0
Talk About Art, Design and Media CWRT 5513 3.0
Graduate Screenwriting CWRT 5522 3.0
Finding Words: The Artist Statement CWRT 5559 3.0
Design/Writing/Research CRT 5574 3.0
Thesis Writing CRT 5619 3.0
Intercultural Practices CP 5800 3.0
Graduate Seminar in Curatorial Practice CP 6100 3.0
Critical Seminar II ILP 5550 3.0
Publishing Culture HMST 5600 3.0
Philosophy and Pedagogy ED 5533 3.0

Office of Enrollment Services


The Bunting Center 1400 W. Mount Royal Ave. Baltimore, MD 21217