Architectural Design

2016 - 17 Curriculum

Total credits required for a BFA in Architectural Design: 120.0

Current students should use MyMICA or contact their Advisor for a personalized degree plan. If an integrated Humanistic Studies major, a minor in the Liberal Arts, or the MAT preparatory curriculum is chosen, the total credits would be 126.0.

The below degree plan is for students who entered in the 2016 - 17 academic year.


Course #


Art Matters AH 100 3.0
Elements of Visual Thinking FF 100 3.0
Sculptural Forms FF 101 3.0
Elements of Visual Thinking II FF 102 3.0
Painting I FF 150 3.0
Drawing I FF 198 3.0
Drawing II FF 199 3.0
Electronic Media and Culture FF 210 3.0
Critical Inquiry HMST 101 3.0
Foundation Studio Elective 3.0
Modernism and After AH 201 3.0
World Architecture: Prehistory to 1855 AH 250 3.0
Modern Architecture & Urbanism AH 376 3.0
Contemporary Architectural Criticism* AH 379-TH 3.0
Scientific Readings: Physics** NSCI 201E 3.0
Art History Elective AH 6.0
Intellectual History I -IH1 3.0
Intellectual History II -IH2 3.0
Academic Electives (or Writing Workshop, if required)   3.0
Humanistic Studies/Literature Elective (any level)   3.0
Humanistic Studies/Literature Elective (300 or 400 level)   3.0
Architectural design MAJOR REQUIREMENTS
Integrated 3D Design AD 200 3.0
Methods AD 201 3.0
Structures AD 205 3.0
Interior and Exterior AD 210 3.0
Digital Drawing AD 211 3.0
Architectural Lab I AD 300 3.0
Materials and Fabrication AD 301 3.0
Architectural Lab II AD 310 3.0
Building Technology AD 311 3.0
Architectural Lab III AD 400 3.0
Advanced Drawing AD 401 3.0
Architectural Lab IV: Thesis AD 410 6.0
Professional Development AD 411 3.0
Studio Electives 15.0

* Fulfills Theory requirement
**Fulfills Math/Science requirement