Book Arts (Concentration) Curriculum

2018 - 19 Book Arts (Concentration) Curriculum

Total credits required for a concentration in Book Arts: 15.0

The following concentration plan is for students entering in the 2018-19 academic year.

Course Title

Course #


Concentration in Book Arts Requirements
Papermaking and Book Structure PR 294 3.0
Artist's Book PR 354 3.0
Three of the following courses:
History of Graphic Design AH 240 3.0
History of Prints AH 326 3.0
History of Photography AH 332 3.0
History of Illustration AH 350 3.0
Contemporary Practice in Print Media AH 365 3.0
Typography I GD 201 3.0
Typography II GD 221 3.0
Mixed Media Book GFA 305 3.0
Visual Journalism IL 202 3.0
Handletters IL 254 3.0
Book Illustration IL 266 3.0
Sequential Arts IL 272 3.0
Advanced Book Illustration IL 366 3.0
Internship* INT 402 3.0
The Nature of the Book LIT 307-TH 3.0
Intermediate Poetry Workshop LIT 326 3.0
Photographic Book PH 354 3.0
Digital Photography I PH 362 3.0
Alternative Processes in Photography PH 386 3.0
Print Media: Traditional Media PR 200 3.0
Print Media: Photo Media and Digital Processes PR 201 3.0
The Illustrative Print PR 222 3.0
Letterpress PR 248 3.0
History of Paper Structure PR 360 3.0

* Must be related to Book Arts. Consult with the Book Arts coordinator to obtain approval of internship choice prior to enrolling in INT 402.