Undergraduate Minors & Concentrations

Experimental Fashion (Concentration) Curriculum

Total credits required for a concentration in Experimental Fashion: 15.0

The following concentration plan is for students entering in the 2019 - 20 academic year.



Course #


Experimental fashion Concentration Requirements
Fashioning Culture - Readdressing Clothing FB 416 3.0
Multi-Media Event I FB 438 3.0
Multi-Media Event II FB 439 3.0
Choose one course from the following
Garment Design and Production FB 207 3.0
Costume: Materials and Technique FB 322 3.0
Choose 3.0 credits from the following
Garment Design and Production FB 207 3.0
Digital Garment Patterning FB 210 1.5
Millinery Workshop FB 215 1.5
Soft Sculpture and Inflatables FB 220 3.0
Systems Thinking FB 287 3.0
Costume: Materials and Technique FB 322 3.0
Material Construction FB 327 3.0
Expanded Body/Performance FB 330 3.0
Accumulation and Metaphor FB 342 3.0
Puppetry and Performing Objects FB 366 3.0
Collage and Sculptural Surfaces FB 368 3.0
Unravel the Code FB 425 3.0

Office of Enrollment Services


The Bunting Center 1300 W. Mount Royal Avenue Baltimore, MD 21217