Alumni News & Stories

Career Success of Young Alumni

More industries are recognizing the value of professionals who are exemplary problem-solvers, as well as life-long learners, constantly striving to improve and refine their artistic expression.

As one of the nation's very top colleges of art and design, MICA alumni go on to work at the best companies and show their work at prestigious galleries in the United States and abroad. A recent analysis of employment trends in the U.S. by economists at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas showed that over the past decade the biggest employment gains have come in occupations that require people skills, emotional intelligence, creativity, and imagination—all fostered by a MICA education. For example, more than 230,000 jobs were added, and salaries increased by 43% in the area of design and jobs for photographers jumped by nearly 50,000, with salaries increasing 38%.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, more Americans today work as artists, entertainers, and designers. The demand for what artists and designers produce is constantly expanding. The tools and technologies available to them are rapidly evolving.

Recent MICA fine art graduates are finding a strong market for their work, and many are taking an entrepreneurial approach to show their work in major art centers across the U.S. Students in our MFA programs are gaining high-profile recognition in major national juried exhibitions even before they graduate.

For more success stories of MICA students and young alumni, visit our Creatives at Work Section.