Your personalized graduation video clip – download and share straight after the ceremony!
Your special moment on stage will be captured on video and we are gifting you a personalized video clip of your moment. Your StageClip for each graduate, features screen titles showing your name, commencement date and degree subject. It also captures the moment you cross the stage and receive your award. Your StageClip ( is designed to be downloaded to your mobile device and can be easily shared on your social networks. You will be emailed after your ceremony has taken place to notify you when your clip is available on the StageClip ( website. Don't forget to tag your StageClip using the graduation hashtag #MICAmade2019


Graduation is a special day and we recognize that not all of your friends and family can attend in person, therefore our graduation ceremonies are professionally filmed and footage posted on (  after the ceremonies which allows for friends, family and yourself to watch back the ceremonies. In addition, personalized captioned clips of each graduate are made available by our partner StageClip. You can request that your StageClip is removed at any time. Please note, footage may also be used by the Alumni Office at MICA for media publications and advertising. Ceremony film will be archived for future reference.


All graduates and guests should be aware that they may feature in this footage. By registering to take part in your graduation ceremony, you are giving permission for your image to be recorded.