
Ma Chienne emphasizes the strength and vulnerability of masculinity through tailored garments that subvert the white collar uniform. Beginning in 1876, the tailored suit became established as the uniform for the successful working man. Since its creation, there has been little evolution of the form. This fixity is representative of men’s limited options to express emotion, which contrasts the wide range of women’s wear and society’s acceptance of women’s emotion.


Placing masculine bodies in expressive garments allows me to connect with these people as humans rather than as empty, anonymous suits. I am extracting the rigid structure and adding vulnerability to the garments by working with materials that are usually reserved for women’s clothing. Speaking directly to the rejected man, I am giving him the power to express vulnerability through the clothing he wears on his back.



Andrea Barnes is a Fiber Senior with a Concentration in Experimental Fashion. Originally from Philadelphia, PA, Andrea’s primary inspiration stems from Nantucket Island, located off the coast of Hyannis, MA. Throughout her life she has observed and come to critique the Island’s history. She conveys her experiences on Nantucket through the color blue and by subverting the social structures that exist within masculine clothing.


Photography by Mackenzie Risher