
Looking down from the sky, populated land is easily recognized by the straight lines we have imposed on it. First the subtle plaid of farmland, then the harsh geometry of highways. Eventually, the grey grids expand, dotted with green splotches where flora is confined to lawns. Within these grids, in some museum along an avenue, romantic images of the original uninhabited land can be viewed for the price of admission. I would like to see it walk out on our shoulders, natural green spaces worn on our backs as reminders of our impact on them. With this collection, I have chosen to elevate landscapes in the most intimate way I know how, by putting them on the body and on communities of connected bodies. By highlighting sartorial elements in red on garments that otherwise mimic nature, they become situated between the ubiquitous human habit of tailoring and less ubiquitous natural wildness. I also find humor in clearcutting my textile plains and peppering them with sharp pointed collars. Now Face North represents an optimistic reverence for landscapes and our delicate relationships to them and to each other.


Sarina Angell is an artist from Savannah, Georgia. She makes garments and sculptures that encourage performance and instigate narratives.




Photography by Noah Fisher