Experimental Fashion Show

Wen-Yu (Calvin) Chang


When the world is full of chaos, we have to express the feelings of our emotions, but at the same time make sure one’s safety is being held. I use garment construction to express how this works. When emotion meets craft, it creates texture, weight, and contrast.  The texture of a fabric articulates feelings. Sharp edges limit emotions from showing. Layers become shields from external force. Heaviness is felt and understood. A garment on the human body speaks to the trust of the textile. How we dress communicates how we think, what we believe in, and our identity.  



Wen-Yu (Calvin) Chang is from Taipei, Taiwan (R.O.C.), and is a Fiber Senior with an Experimental Fashion Concentration. His surface-focused practice builds textile play and construction into a metaphor for protection and pressure.   


Photography by Jessie Laudadio