MICA Weekend

A Word From the Parent Council Co-Chairs

Dear Fellow MICA Parents,

This is the weekend you've been waiting for!

MICA Weekend (formerly MICA Parent & Family Weekend) is a once-a-year chance to spend time with your students, meet their friends, and greet the families of their classmates. We have found it to be a wonderful opportunity to participate in the MICA community. It's your chance to learn firsthand what it means to be a student at Maryland Institute College of Art and get a peek behind the scenes.

The staff and faculty have planned a lot of events to keep you informed and engaged. Learn how to talk with art students about their work. Hear about art-related careers you didn't know existed. Participate in the always popular hands-on classes and express your creativity as you try your hand at making art. Gather information about exciting student opportunities for international studies. Ask questions!

MICA's campus is positioned in the center of Baltimore's cultural community, which continues to enjoy a vibrant renaissance. Come and explore the city's renowned cultural treasures and entertainment venues. The official program begins Friday, October 4 and extends through the weekend to Sunday, October 6.

On behalf of MICA's Parents Council and the College, we cordially invite and encourage you to attend MICA Weekend '19. 

We hope you can make and have as much fun as we did,

Jill and Jeffrey Zimon, P '19
Parents Council Co-Chairs