Official MICA Communications About COVID-19

Campus Memo: Important Information Concerning Study Abroad Programs - February 27, 2020

As the situation around coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to rapidly evolve, MICA remains vigilant in monitoring updates and implementing measures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). There remain no active cases of coronavirus on MICA’s campus, or in the state of Maryland. 

In recent days, the CDC has updated its travel information regarding COVID-19. The CDC is categorizing countries in three levels:

  • Warning Level 3, which currently includes China and South Korea; the CDC recommends that travelers avoid all nonessential travel to these countries

  • Alert Level 2, which currently includes Italy, Iran and Japan; the CDC recommends older adults and those with chronic medical conditions should consider postponing nonessential travel

  • Watch Level 1, which currently includes Hong Kong; the CDC does not recommend canceling or postponing travel to this area

In light of the new information, the College has established a policy of evaluating programs in countries that reach Alert Level 2 for immediate suspension, and is in the process of determining protocols to implement this policy. In accordance with this decision, MICA has chosen to suspend its current SACI study abroad program in Italy and is working with students and faculty in the program to arrange for their return to the United States.

There are no MICA students abroad who have tested positive for COVID-19, and the decision to suspend this program is out of an abundance of caution for the health and safety of our students, faculty and staff. 

MICA is closely monitoring our other international programs, and will make additional determinations as necessary.

The College is taking a number of precautions in bringing back and supporting students who are currently abroad, and will be requesting that returning students plan for a two-week period of self-quarantine, preferably at home or with family in the US. MICA will assist students with appropriate housing, if needed.

To help the MICA community stay safe and informed, we have created website pages with the most up-to-date information, best practices, and preventative measures from the CDC. We encourage anyone with questions to visit the site.


The College will be regularly updating the website with the most up-to-date information in addition to sending emails to the MICA community as needed.