Frequently Asked Questions

FAQ: MICA's Operational Response to COVID-19

Updated March 16, 2020

If I'm feeling sick, what should I do?

COVID-19 presents very similarly to the common flu, so don’t panic if you are symptomatic.  Contact the Student Health Center at 410-225-4118 and explain your symptoms. The Health Center staff are trained to assess your symptoms, and will recommend the proper course of action.

How long is Spring Break? 

Spring break is extended for all students for one week through Sunday, March 29th.

Are events cancelled?

Effective Saturday, March 14th and until further notice, all non-essential (i.e., unrelated to core academic or operational functions) events, activities, and gatherings of over 25 attendees will be cancelled, postponed, or transitioned to virtual formats.

Will I have class for the rest of the semester? How will I attend classes? 

Starting Monday, March 30th and until further notice, classes will transition to an online and alternate educational delivery mode in undergraduate and graduate programs. Faculty will use the extended break period to prepare for this transition. Students can expect revised course syllabi from their faculty on or around March 30th. This alternate educational delivery will continue until at least April 12th, after which MICA will reassess periodically.

Do I have to move out of my dorm? 

Non-graduating students must vacate their residential assignment and residential studio no later than 4pm on Saturday, March 21, 2020. Graduating Class of 2020 students (graduate or undergraduate level) must vacate their residential assignment and residential studio no later than 4pm on Saturday, March 28, 2020.

Do I have to take all of my belongings when I move out? 

We recommend that residents take their belongings with them as they move out, although that is not required. It may be easier to return with limited items later in the term (if permitted) than come back at a later date to collect all of your belongings. Belongings that are unable to be taken at this time are permitted to stay until a later date. Students are encouraged to consider off campus storage with apartment-mates/friends where access to items may be easier if the college closes. Please see the storage options near campus hereWhen the College issues a final decision later in the term as to whether or not in person classes will resume, the Office of Residence Life will provide further guidance regarding returning to residence and/or collecting any remaining personal items. Please visit the residence life COVID-19 updates here

What do I do if I can’t move out? 

As noted in President Hoi’s memo, students with exceptional needs beyond the assigned moved out times - March 21 for non-graduating students, March 28 for graduating students - may request to stay in on-campus housing. Priority consideration will be given to Graduate students and international students. Students who would like to make such a request should email by 12 noon on 3/18. Please include in your request the details of your circumstances that would warrant an extension.

Will we be reimbursed for housing and meal plans for the days that the students are missing school?

 We are sensitive to the financial implications of this disruption and reimbursement is something we understand may be necessary.  We will make appropriate decisions once we understand the nature/duration of the campus disruption.

When will we hear about the plans for after the extended Spring Break period?

The memo indicates the online and alternate educational delivery model is in place until at least April 12, after which MICA will reassess.  If your child can remain home/off-campus after Spring Break we strongly encourage it. MICA is transitioning to online instruction and you child can effectively complete their coursework without being on campus. If it is not possible for your child to stay home and must return to campus, they should expect to have access to limited campus support and services.

Can I leave my car on campus?

If you have a MICA residential parking permit (“R” permit), it’s fine to leave cars on campus.  We ask that you leave a key with Campus Safety in case cars need to be moved.  

What about summer travel plans?

Currently, all policies and actions regarding COVID-19 apply only to the Spring semester only and no decisions have yet been made regarding Summer or Fall.

Will shuttles still run?

Evening Safety Shuttle services will be operational each night until one hour after building closures. Circulator shuttles will run on time. Social and Shopping shuttles will be suspended until future notice.

Will dining halls be open? 

Full, regular food service options and hours of operation will be available for the next two weeks at the Meyerhoff Dining Room, Glace Grill, Cafe Doris and Java Corner.  
After March 28, when all students have moved out of residence halls, food service locations and hours will be reduced.  The Meyerhoff Dining Room will close after brunch on Saturday, March 28.  Cafe Doris will remain open for hours that will include breakfast, lunch and dinner for students who must remain on campus.  Glace Grill hours will be evaluated based on the number of students remaining in college housing.

How will my grades be affected? 

A “Pass/Fail” grading system will become an option for Spring 2020 undergraduate classes. Undergraduate students can choose with their faculty to receive a letter grade or a Pass/Fail grade for this semester. Graduate programs will follow their current policies.
A limited, intense making period between March 16th and March 27th will be offered to degree graduating students (Class of 2020) who are not traveling during Spring Break. To support their degree-completion work, only Class of 2020 students will be given access to Fabrication Studios; please consult with individual Fabrication Studios for their schedules. Please check with your departments regarding access to other kinds of studios. Class of 2020 students who travel during Spring Break and plan to return to campus will need to observe self-quarantine if the quarantine conditions apply. Self-quarantine is the process of removing oneself from the broader community during the relevant incubation period, two weeks in this case. The College will work with students individually and as needed to manage this process.

What do I do if I'm having trouble with the new class format? 

LRC peer academic coaches are here to support you as your courses transition to online delivery modes. Get support with:
  • approaches to documenting and sharing studio work in Canvas and other online platforms 
  • brainstorming and strategizing for your creative and academic projects
  • troubleshooting online tools and learning modes 
  • other living and learning challenges where you need a peer perspective
Academic Coaches are here for you. Experienced MICA upper-division students can help you transition and navigate your classes in the coming weeks. View availability and schedule a meeting via Google Hangouts . A Hangout link will be emailed to you prior to the meeting.

Will the health center remain open?

The Student Health Center is currently scheduled to open from half days in the mornings on March 16, March 17, March 19, and March 20 and full day on Wednesday March 18. They will resume normal operating hours the week of March 23.

Will Postal and Print remain open?

MICA Postal and Print will be closed on March 16th to reassess the current needs of the campus. Please check back throughout the day for changes. When they reopen, their top priority will be to help on- and off-campus student leaving for home to ship their belongings home or to another location. They will also help assess the needs for campus offices that must remain open. They will be open for deliveries and receiving packages.

 Any updates will be made on the Postal and Print website

What about summer travel plans?

Currently, all policies and actions regarding COVID-19 apply only to the Spring semester only and no decisions have yet been made regarding Summer or Fall. 

Do I have to move out of my dorm? 

Non-graduating students must vacate their residential assignment and residential studio no later than 4pm on Saturday, March 21, 2020. Graduating Class of 2020 students (graduate or undergraduate level) must vacate their residential assignment and residential studio no later than 4pm on Saturday, March 28, 2020.

 Do I have to take all of my belongings when I move out? 

Belongings that are unable to be taken at this time are permitted to stay until a later date. Students are encouraged to consider off campus storage with apartment-mates/friends where access to items may be easier if the college closes. 

We recommend that residents take their belongings with them as they move out, although that is not required. It may be easier to return with limited items later in the term (if permitted) than come back at a later date to collect all of your belongings. 

When the College issues a final decision later in the term as to whether or not in person classes will resume, the Office of Residence Life will provide further guidance regarding returning to residence and/or collecting any remaining personal items.

Who should I contact if I have more questions? 

Please reference the internal contacts page for department email addresses.