CMS User Resources

CMS Users and Publishers Directory

Q: What pages will have I have access to edit in the CMS?

Q: Who is the publisher for my area of the website?

After ten years of familiarity with, it's natural to ask these questions after a major overhaul of the website.

The information architecture (IA) for MICA's new website was built from scratch based on research and discovery performed at the beginning of the redesign process. MICA's new website has been organized into Sections and Topics that support the best possible experience for the users of Sometimes these sections and topics don't clearly align to MICA's organizational structure. This is not only fine, but the result of the user-centered research and planning conducted during the redesign process.

You can learn which users have edit- and publish-level privileges for any page in the CMS by clicking on the View User Access Levels button in the Edit Page tab of any page.