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Workday HCM/Payroll

Frequently Asked Questions

Directory and Org charts

1. Is the new directory in Workday replacing the ones on the MICA website?

A: The directory within Workday and the directory on the MICA website will display the same information and will pull from the information in Workday. The Workday directory will be accessible only internally. The MICA website directory is publicly available.

2. Will Campus Safety officers be able to use the Workday directory to look up students?

A: The officer will be able to use the Workday directory ONLY if a student is also employed at MICA: To look up students to see if they are actual students at MICA, the officers will continue to use PeopleSoft Campus Solutions system.

3. In the current directory it is very hard to find departments and the roles that people hold in each department. Will this change with Workday?

A: Yes! In Workday, there will be a full directory with people’s roles and names for each department hierarchy.

4. Will the MICA portal go away?

A: No. The MICA portal will stay active with much of the existing functionality. However, a lot of key information such as personal information and emergency contacts are moving to Workday. Individuals will log into Workday to see that information.

5. How will Faculty be presented in the Workday Org chart?

A: Faculty will be presented through their Chairs and Directors and will be designated as individual contributors. This will apply to both Graduate and Undergraduate faculty.

Recruiting/Hiring process General

1. When will job be posted? What is the process and timing?

A: Similar to what occurs today, this is dependent on budget approval (if it occurred in advance or if this is a new request), and if there were any changes to the job that need to be reviewed and repriced. If it is a backfill position with no changes, the process will be quick and should occur within a few days (depending on approvers).

2. Is there a way that candidates can receive an automated acknowledgment once they apply for a position?

A: Yes. This is configured in Workday.

3. What happens if a large number of people apply to one position? Will all of the candidates have to be reviewed?

A: Yes. HR could provide knock-out questions to eliminate candidates who are not qualified. HR currently has knock-out questions that are developed for all jobs. This will assist with honing the pool of candidates. Human Resources will further assist hiring managers with developing these types of questions.

4. In the new recruiting/hiring process, will the hiring manager be able to see where the process is hung up (i.e. background check or approval at any point during the process)?

A: Yes. The hiring manager will be able to see the current stage of the hiring process for the candidate. They will be able to see this status in 2 places in Workday (see images below).

5. What is the expectation for start date/ready to work for someone who has completed their paperwork?

A: When providing an offer for non-student employment, HR sets a tentative date for approximately 2 weeks from the date of the offer. This allows for background check processing. If the employee is international or has a more complex background, the process could take longer and the start date would be modified accordingly.

6. At what point in the process do salary negotiations take place?

A: At Offer Stage and this happens outside of Workday and through HR who also involves the hiring manager.

7. Sometimes an offer may also include moving expenses. Does HR take this into account in their offer?

A: Yes. There is a scale that HR follows.

8. There are currently staff members that support directors during the faculty hiring process. How will this work in the future?

A: Directors are the hiring managers who are responsible for managing their openings. Please reach out to HR to explain the specific type of support that staff provides during the hiring process.

Faculty/Visiting Artists

1. If an adjunct is to be appointed to a certain program, will that position be open to everyone?

A: The hiring manager can post the position internally only. It is important to post the position as the individual needs to be placed in a position. As such, a requisition will be required.

2. Do resident artists have a one-year limit before they need to submit their paperwork again (i.e. passport?)

A: Yes. A year is intended as 365 days from the last time they were paid.

3. Some student positions will require the applicants to have completed specific courses. How will this be handled in Workday?

A: The hiring manager can include the required courses in the job description.

4. For international visiting artists, what documents do they need to provide?

A: This will depend on the specific visa requirements.

5. Can international visiting artists accept payments through a relative in the US?

A: No. This is an illegal practice and cannot be considered.

6. Will the process to hire international candidates change?

A: No. the process to hire an international candidate is the same as for domestic ones. There may be some delays, however, specific to background check and visa types that will need to be sorted out (F-1, J-1, OPT, H1B, etc.).

Student Employees (work-study and non-work study)

1. Will students clock in and out?

A: Yes. No more paper time sheets. Students can clock in and out through the Workday app, Workday desktop, or one of the biometric timeclocks installed in various areas of campus.

2. Does the 20-hour limit for student employment apply to both domestic and international students?

A: Yes it does. There are visa implications for international students and tax implications for domestic students.

3. Are there exceptions to this limitation?

A: During any breaks (summer, fall, winter, spring, etc), if students are NOT enrolled in summer classes, the limitation does not apply. This is applicable to all students, including international ones.

4. Is there a way in the system to know if the students are close to reaching the 20-hour limit?

A: Yes. Managers and students will be notified when they are approaching the 20-hour limit. Both students and managers will be responsible for effectively manage the workload against the 20-hour limit requirement.

5. Will there be a way in the system to see how many different jobs a student has?

A: Yes. When students check in for their shift, they will be able to select the appropriate job. When managers approve students’ time, they will be able to see all of the jobs and hours hat the students worked for the pay period.

6. Frequently, current students are hired for project-based work. How will this be handled?

A: These opportunities should be posted to provide transparency and equity, allowing equal access for folks to apply. While we understand there may be the need to complete these projects quickly, there is an expectation that the majority of opportunities should be planned and advertised for students to apply.

7. If a student has been identified for a specific position, does the hiring manager still have to post that position?

A: Yes. Knock-out questions can be provided, post go-live, however, for fairness and transparency, the positions will be posted and each applicant will be reviewed.

8. For Commencement services, students get selected by the Student Affairs team. These jobs aren’t currently posted. Will they need to be posted when Workday goes live?

A: We have reached out to the group to understand more of the selection process and will identify the correct approach moving forward once Workday is live.

9. Will criteria be provided to differentiate between a job and a payroll request which should apply to small/limited engagements?

A: One-time payments will be submitted to Payroll by a manager. The majority of student employment should be posted transparently. HR is currently completing an audit of all student jobs to gain an understanding of all of the jobs that are currently offered to students. Once the information is reviewed, HR will understand what the true exceptions, if any, should be.

10. Some students have work-study jobs but they sometimes also model. Will they need to apply for the model job as well?

A: Yes, they will also have to apply for the modeling job. Students with multiple jobs will have a one-time card that will include all of their worked hours by job.

11. What happens if a work study student doesn’t have the skills required to complete the job that he or she was assigned to?

A: Before being hired, students should be participating in a recruitment process that will determine if the student has the skills needed to complete the basic functions of the job. If the student is not working out in that role, the manager should reach out to HR to determine next steps.

12. Is a background check required for students?

A: Not usually, however, HR will make the determination to request a background check when the role interfaces with a vulnerable population. Managers will be expected to submit a job description of each position they plan to post. As part of that position, it is expected that HR will be able to see that the incumbent will be working in the community. This will be a trigger for HR to ask about the population that they will be serving.

13. It would be helpful to have a reference guide on how to write a job description and the different types of background checks that may be required with that job description.

A: HR has a template that is provided to managers when creating a job description. This document includes instructions. HR will also develop a resource guide for background checks.

14. Is there functionality that allows MICA to hire students that “will be students” (meaning that they will be enrolling)?

A: Yes.

15. How long will it take to hire a GPA?

A: It depends on the situation. If it is an existing position, hiring managers will need to collect normal approvals. Post the position for at least 5 days then complete a consistent selection process.

16. How to track time for GPAs who work primarily outside of MICA (i.e. remotely)?

A: This will require a conversation with HR to understand role and responsibilities.

17. For GTIs, how long are they supposed to work?

A: Between 5 and 6 hours.

Independent Contractor

Will there be a classification for this type of worker (i.e. an independent contractor that is also an alumnus)?

A: Folks that are determined to be independent contractors and are not currently active employees will be paid via accounts payable regardless of alumnus status. Requests for independent contractors are routed through HR for review to make a determination if the role is an independent contractors. If they are currently employed at MICA as employee, they are not able to also hold independent contractor status. They would be paid via activity pay or as a 1 time payment depending on the project. There is an expectation that the hiring manager will be working with HR to determine rate of pay, employee status, etc., prior to engaging someone to complete work for MICA.

Time Tracking/Time off/Check in/Checkout

1. Can Sick and Safe Leaves be used to take a mental break/rest?

A: No. there are specific state requirements for this type of leave.

2. Some employees (OIC) have to punch in a different code. How will that work in the biometric clocks?

A: The new biometric clocks are set up to allow for the OIC employee code to be entered.

3. Will an employee be able to submit their timesheet through a computer when out on leave?

A: Yes. Also through the Workday app.

4. What if an employee submits their time before the end of the week when it is actually due?

A: While there is no issue with this, submitting time kicks off a notification to your supervisor, so it is best to submit after working your last shift and prior to the deadline.

5. What if someone has enough hours to request a time off in December and his or request is approved, then, they also take off time in between the moment of the request and the scheduled time off in December which would cause them to run out of available hours?

A: Once a leave request is approved for the future (it can only be approved if the employee is expected to have enough time), the additional time off requests in between will not be able to move forward in the system because the employee will not have sufficient time to cover both the December and the in-between requests for time off.

6. Can supervisors make changes to employee schedules?

A: Yes. There will be schedule templates in the system, based on managers’ input.

7. There are people who will need to have hours added when they work off campus. How will this be handled?

A: Please work with HR for business justification and authorization based on position description.

8. How will pending leave requests be handled before go live?

A: Managers should review all leave requests and approve them by 6/12. All open leave requests not approved by a manager by 6/12, will be automatically approved by Payroll before the system goes live on 6/13.


1. Will individuals receive notifications on their phones, for instance, or do they need to be logged into the system?

A: Employees will receive email notifications for some business processes related to time off requests (similar to what is received today). Notifications related to other business processes, like benefits, recruitment, personal information changes, or payroll changes will be received within Workday. As the MICA community adjusts to using Workday, individuals will find themselves logging into Workday frequently, likely daily.

2. Will there be a notification for leave that does not carry over or expires (i.e. personal leave)?

A: There will be no notification. Employees are expected to be aware of MICA policies and deadlines.

3. Can an interview with a candidate be scheduled through Workday?

A: It can, however, right now Workday only integrates with Outlook. Managers can set reminders in Workday to be sent out to those who will participate in the interview.

4. Can a resume be attached to the reminder?

A: Not at this time. The hiring manager and others that are added to the interview will have access to the application materials in Workday.

5. How is the resume shared then?

A: During the requisition process, the hiring manager can designate a search committee and share the resume details with them at that time.

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