Community Engagement Toolbox

Vulnerable Populations

When working on a collaborative project, depending on the organization or group you are partnering with, you may come into contact with a wide variety of people. It is essential that you maintain a professional working relationship with everyone you encounter, especially when interacting with vulnerable populations. Vulnerable populations are defined as those groups of people who are typically excluded, disadvantaged or marginalized based on their economic, environmental, social, or cultural characteristics.

Please Keep Professional Boundaries in Mind

AmeriCorps partnering sites frequently work with vulerable populations specifically, children, older persons, and individuals with disabilities. Consequently, MICA's Community Art Collaborative (CAC) is required to comply with a baseline regulatory requirement to properly screen their members and grant-funded employees, thus helping to ensure the safety of these vulnerable populations. As part of your participation you may be required to get finger-printed. Your CAC mentors and MICA Human Resources will help guide you through this process.

As a CAC member you will spend a great deal of time interacting with children and youth at service sites, a healthy rapport among youth and students is encouraged, but it is essential to respect and maintain professional boundaries at all times when working with vulerable populations.

Even the perception of an inappropriate relationship can be damaging to the trust that the MICA community works hard to cultivate with the staff, youth, and volunteers at their service sites, so adhering to professional boundaries is vital.