CCC Grants and Awards

Community Engagement Grant

The Center for Creative Citizenship Community Engagement grant funds community-engaged art and/or design projects that emerge from a compelling community-identified need. Projects where community-based organizations and MICA affiliates work together are preferred.

All students, staff, and Community Art Collaborative members are eligible to apply for up to $1500 in funding for expenses such as materials, supplies, entrance fees, and transportation that are integral to the development, implementation or evaluation of qualifying projects. Grantees may also apply for funding to compensate commissioned artists or guest speakers participating in projects. These funds may not be used to fund applicants’ personal stipends.

* IMPORTANT NOTE:  Money is not awarded up front.  Expenses are reimbursed by the Center for Creative Citizenship following the purchase of project materials by the grant recipient. Any substantial changes to budget or project needs should be approved by CCC staff before purchases are made. 

Application Deadline

Sunday, February 9, 2020 - 11:59 pm

Application Materials

Please Note: If awarded a Community Engagement Grant, you must complete a report form and send images from the project at the end of the semester. If you have any additional questions, please contact us at or by phone at (410) 225-2504.

Grant Timeline

  • Grant Recipient workshops: February 2020
  • Grants Reports due: June 1, 2020 
  • Last day to submit journal entries and expense reimbursements: June 1, 2020


Who is eligible for a Community Engagement Grant?

Any current MICA student, staff or Community Art Collaborative member may apply for a Community Engagement Grant.

Applicants must be able to financially support the submitted proposal until funds are reimbursed by the Center for Creative Citizenship.  Money will not be awarded upfront for selected proposals. 

A single grant proposal from two (2) or more individuals is acceptable.  However, the $1500.00 award cap still applies.

Please note that payments to individuals that can not provide an official invoice for services must be done so using an independent contractor form.  Cash or cash equivalents (gift cards, PayPal, Venmo) can not be reimbursed.

What types of projects qualify?

  • Projects should encourage collaboration between MICA and the outside community to meet a particular community need or to pursue a desired outcome.
  • Grants may be used either to launch a new project or program or to strengthen/expand an existing project or program.
  • Letters of Support from partnering organizations that confirm both the need for the project and the partnering organization's interest in collaborating with the applicant are not required but highly recommended and will be strongly considered in the grant review process.
  • Previous projects have ranged from after-school activities with children to community-based public art projects and social design initiatives.

How much funding can I request? What can I use my funding for?

Applicants may apply for up to $1500 for such expenses as materials, supplies, entrance fees, and transportation that are integral to the development, implementation or evaluation of qualifying projects. Grantees may apply for funding to compensate guest speakers participating in projects.

Do I need to receive an NIH Research Ethics Training Certificate?

Please note that this requirement is suspended for the Spring 2020 grant application. The Center for Creative Citizenship is working on new trainings and requirements for future grant cycles. 

How long does it take before I know if I've been awarded a grant? What will I need to do?

Applicants are notified approximately 2 weeks after the application due date as to their status. If you are conducting a project with a vulnerable population, you will be asked to complete MICA's IRB process before you can begin your project. You can learn more about it here.

How do I gain access to my funds?

To learn more about the different methods for accessing your funds please visit the Accessing Your Grant and Award Funds page on our website.

Can I apply for a Community Engagement Grant if I've been awarded one already?

Yes, you can. However, to be eligible for a new award you must have fulfilled all the requirements of your previous grant's acceptance letter.

Who will be reviewing my application and how are funding decisions made?

All applications are reviewed by a committee comprised of one or more of the following: MICA faculty, MICA staff, and/or community members. Input from the committee determines whether or not the project is funded and at what amount.

Not all projects are fully funded. Partial funding is typically due to one of two factors: a) the inclusion of ineligible expenses in the budget request, or b) lack of evidence of a compelling need for the expenditures. Applicants seeking full funding at the top range are advised to clearly articulate the need for line items either in a budget notes or in the project description.

What follow-up is required once I have completed my project or spent all of my funds?

All grant recipients must submit a project report including photos and any additional documentation. More information about reporting on your project can be found here.