CCC Grants and Awards

Curriculum Enhancement Grant

The Center for Creative Citizenship (CCC) is committed to partnering with faculty to innovate within the curriculum while contributing to the greater knowledge and understanding of the Baltimore community.

The Curriculum Enhancement Grant provides up to $1500 in discretionary funding to enrich hands-on learning and is intended for opportunities inside credit-bearing courses that provide students with real-world experiences that they would otherwise miss within the confines of the classroom.

Enhanced curriculum should be directly related to a community-engaged or hands-on project. This experience can include field work, research, and engagement with a community group, organization, or institution. Funding can be used for transportation (MICA bus or van), project supplies and honorariums for visiting artists.

Applications are now being accepted for the Spring 2020 Curriculum Enhancement Grant.

Application Deadline

Applications are accepted on a rolling basis. Contact before applying.


Please Note: If awarded a Curriculum Enhancement Grant, you must complete a report form and send images from the project at the end of the semester. Your course evaluation will also be accessible to the CCC. Here is a link to the REPORT FORM for the Curriculum Enhancement Grant.

If you have any additional questions, please contact us at or by phone at (410) 225-2504.


Who is eligible for a Curriculum Enhancement Grant?

All current faculty teaching a credit-bearing course at MICA can apply.

What types of projects qualify?

Curricular projects should be designed and implemented in partnership with a Baltimore community group, organization, or institution serving specific neighborhoods. If you are unsure whether your curriculum enhancement request meets the criteria for this grant, please consider the following questions:

  • Is this enhancement integral to a curricular project?
  • Is that curricular project community-engaged? The CCC defines community-engaged projects as projects that work directly with or in a community and responds to a compelling community opportunity or need.
  • Is the experience that the enhancement provides unattainable within the confines of the classroom?

Furthermore, projects should fulfill at least three of the following community-engaged student learning objectives:

  • Students will demonstrate the ability to work in teams to address a community-identified issue, opportunity, or need.
  • Students will practice engaging with and will develop an ability to communicate and collaborate with, community partners.
  • Students will produce both written and visual documentation of their community-based project outlining the process and articulating its effect on the community.
  • Students will demonstrate a respect for the diversity of ideas and develop an awareness of cultural differences.
  • Students will render an aesthetic response to context/issue/theme addressed in the community-based project.
  • Students will demonstrate an ability to articulate a community-identified issue or need and research the root cause.

How much funding can I request? What can I use my funding for?

Applicants may apply for up to $1500 for such expenses as materials, supplies, entrance fees, and transportation that are integral to the development, implementation or evaluation of qualifying projects. Grantees may apply for funding to compensate guest speakers participating in projects.

How long does it take before I know if I've been awarded a grant?

Applicants are notified approximately 2 weeks after the application due date as to their status.

How do I gain access to my funds? 

You will need to work with your department's administrative assistant to purchase items for your project. At the end of the semester, you will need to work with your administrative assistant to have funds transferred to your department to cover your expenses.

It is very important that you keep a detailed budget and all receipts for your department to be reimbursed.

Can I apply for a Curriculum Enhancement Grant if I've been awarded one already?

Yes, you can. However, to be eligible for a new award you must have fulfilled all the requirements of your previous award's acceptance letter.

Who will be reviewing my application and how are funding decisions made?

All applications are reviewed by a committee that may be comprised of one or more of the following: MICA faculty, MICA staff, and/or community members. Input from the committee determines whether or not the project is funded and at what amount.

Not all projects are fully funded. Partial funding is typically due to one of two factors: a) the inclusion of ineligible expenses in the budget request, or b) lack of evidence of a compelling need for the expenditures. Applicants seeking full funding at the top range are advised to clearly articulate the need for line items either in a budget notes or in the project description.

What follow-up is required once I have completed my project or spent all of my funds?

All grant recipients must submit a project report including photos and any additional documentation. Your course evaluation will include additional questions related to your community engagement project and evaluation results will be made available to the CCC. More information about reporting on your project can be found here. You must also work with your department's administrative assistant to ensure funds have been transferred to your department's account to cover your expenses.