CCC Grants and Awards

Y.L. Hoi Award FAQs

Who is eligible for a Y.L. Hoi Memorial Award?

All current undergraduate and graduate students at MICA can apply.

What types of projects qualify?

Proposed projects should be community-engaged and:

  • Promote racial and/or ethnic understanding, equity, and/or inclusion;
  • Incorporate art and design thinking;
  • Be designed and implemented in partnership with Baltimore community organizations or groups serving specific neighborhoods and;
  • Leverage the strengths of MICA (e.g., other students, programs, initiatives, alumni, network, etc.)
  • Awarded projects should be a catalyst for Baltimore communities - raising awareness, empowering individuals and fostering positive change.

How much funding can I request? What can I use my funding for?

Applicants may apply for up to $5000 in funding for such expenses as materials, supplies, entrance fees, and transportation that are integral to the development or implementation of qualifying projects. Grantees may apply for funding to compensate commissioned artists or guest speakers participating in projects.

How long does it take before I know if I've been awarded a grant? What will I need to do?

Applicants are notified of their status approximately 2 weeks after their application is submitted. If you are conducting a project with a vulnerable population or a project that involves research please contact the Center for Creative Citizenship at

How do I gain access to my funds?

You can be reimbursed or make purchases through CCC. To learn more about the different methods for accessing your funds please visit the Accessing Your Grant and Award Funds page on our website.

Can I apply for the Hoi award if I've been awarded one already?

Yes, you can. However, to be eligible for a new award you must have fulfilled all the requirements of your previous award's acceptance letter.

Who will be reviewing my application and how are funding decisions made?

All applications are reviewed by a committee comprised of one or more of the following: MICA faculty, MICA staff, and/or community members. Input from the committee determines whether or not the project is funded and at what amount.

What follow-up is required once I have completed my project or spent all of my funds?

All awardees MUST submit:

  • A project report
  • Project budget expenditures
  • At least 5 high-res photos from project process and results
  • You can access the report form on our Reporting About Your Project page.

If you have further questions, please contact our office.

Office of Community Engagement


Fox Building 1300 W Mount Royal Ave Suite 110 Baltimore, MD 21217