Give to MICA

Explore Other Ways To Support MICA

Give by electronic transfer of funds and wire transfers

Wire transfers are most commonly used for gifts made from outside the U.S. To facilitate your contribution through wire or ACH transfers, please contact Dana Costello, Director of Advancement Services, at or 410.225.4269.

Give appreciated securities - instructions

Gifts of appreciated securities entitle you to a charitable deduction for the fair market value of the shares and may allow for certain tax benefits.

Make a charitable rollover gift from your IRA

If you are 70½ or older, you can direct up to $100,000 each calendar year to charity from a qualified IRA. The distribution is tax-free and counts toward your required minimum distribution with the added bonus of providing a gift to MICA. Distributions must be sent directly to MICA from your IRA administrator.

Please contact Dana Costello, Director of Advancement Services, at 410.225.4269 or for assistance in making a gift from your IRA.

Planned giving

The MICA Mount Royal Society honors the generosity of individuals who have included the College in their estate plans. Making a planned gift is a powerful way to leave a lasting legacy for MICA while accommodating your personal, financial, and philanthropic goals. To learn more about estate or life-income gifts, please contact Dana Costello, Director of Advancement Services, at or 410.225.4269.

Payroll deduction (for MICA faculty and staff)

MICA faculty and staff may donate through payroll deduction by contacting Ryan Nicotra, Assistant Director of the Annual Fund and Digital Engagement, at or 410.225.2491.

Corporate and foundation opportunities 

MICA works closely with corporate partners and foundations to ensure that top strategic priorities are achieved, including cutting-edge programs, research, and creative initiatives, as well as transformational scholarships and professorships. To learn more, please contact Sara Warren, Executive Director of Corporate, Foundation & Government Relations, at or 410.225.2264.

Office of Advancement


MICA Annex Building 116-118 W. Lanvale St. Baltimore, MD 21217