Community Arts (MFA)

Dominic Moulden

A native of East Baltimore, Dominic T. Moulden is a community-accountable photographer, social justice documentarian, and frequent lecturer at various universities and conferences.

His work has been exhibited in several local and regional galleries, most recently in MICA Place's "Portraits Of People We Love" exhibition curated by Sarah McCann. Moulden's work is in private collections and has been exhibited in Artspace (Washington, DC), Studio 21 Gallery (Washington, DC), MICA Place (Baltimore, MD) and was shortlisted for the Baltimore Museum of Art's Interactive Exhibition Gallery. He was a collaborator in Nora Howell's and Holly Bass' Spotless, an exhibition on whitewashing and gentrification in the nation's capital (Hamiltonian Gallery). His images celebrate Black love and resilience while providing uncompromising witness to the ongoing displacement of Afrodiasporic people in Baltimore and elsewhere in the Americas. Inequitable development and racism are also his foci as an Interdisciplinary Research Leader Fellow with the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF). A frequent participant in solidarity tours to Nicaragua and Ethiopia, Moulden was recently selected to join RWJF's 2018 Global Learning Exchange to Cuba. He will also be lecturing on just cities at Queen Mary University of London next year. His travels, creative practice, and organizing work are all dedicated to fostering a culture of health that includes art, joy, and radical resource redistribution.