Curatorial Practice (MFA)

Application Procedures

Round 1 Application Deadline: January 17

Round 2 Application Deadline: March 20

Candidates for this degree will be expected to pursue a curatorial practice that emphasizes the creation of transformative exhibitions and a purposeful synergy between artist and audience. They will examine their own practice as an artistic, social, and critical pursuit.

Applicants to the Curatorial Practice (M.F.A.) might also consider the Community Arts (M.F.A.) program, which focuses on community-based arts programs and development.

Application Requirements & Procedures for the M.F.A. in Curatorial Practice

1. Graduate Admission Application Form: completed and submitted online via

2. Curriculum Vitae/Resume

3. M.F.A. in Curatorial Practice Written Requirements

  • Statement of Preparation and Intent - In 800-1200 words, applicants to the Curatorial Practice (MFA) should write a statement describing their preparation, goals, aspirations, and objectives for their studies in the program. Explain ways in which your experiences inform your interest in developing relevant, timely, and accessible exhibitions that connect art, artists, and communities. For example, how have your studies, your artistic influences, or your status as a member of a certain community informed and influenced your goals and ideals? And/or, how do you think exhibitions can speak to communities that might not have much previous experience with art or exhibitions? This essay should document your preparation for and/or collaborative experiences with curatorial practice and audience engagement. State how previous experiences as a student, curator, organizer, artist, designer, writer, teacher, or mentor have prepared you for advanced graduate study. Include reflections, assessment, and ways in which lessons you have learned from the outcomes of your work might be applied in the field. It may help with the application, in general, to consult the Curatorial Practice blog to see examples of recent work by our students:
  • Writing Samples - (optional) Applicants to the Curatorial Practice (MFA) are encouraged to submit previously written/published writing samples that include: envisioned and/or realized curatorial proposals, published articles, critical reviews, curator statements and relevant publications such as brochures, catalogs and/or gallery guides. Writing samples should be uploaded as a PDF as part of your portfolio in the SlideRoom application.

4. Three (3) Letters of Reference

Recommendations are submitted online via SlideRoom.

5. Proof of Degree or Equivalent

Digital transcripts from the last degree-granting institution can be uploaded to SlideRoom. Official transcripts are not required for the initial review process, however, the Graduate Review Committee may request additional or official documentation before decision notification. 

6. M.F.A. in Curatorial Practice Portfolio Requirement

Applicants to the Curatorial Practice (MFA) should submit 10-15 digital images or time-based media for review. The portfolio may include curatorial projects, studio practice, and/or community-based work. You may want to include: documentation of any curatorial, design, organizing, teaching, written work, or community work; a vision for future projects or proposals for future projects. Include and describe images that demonstrate your interest in Curatorial Practice. For example, applicants with an art or design background may want to include evidence of their contributions to exhibitions, community projects, and discussions, or the artwork of their students, in addition to their own work. Be sure to clearly label each image.

Applicants are encouraged, where relevant, to use the notes section of to describe each portfolio item's relevance to the planned course of study in curatorial practice. Applicants should submit their portfolio materials for review with their application via Specific technical guidelines addressing the submission of digital images, video files, sound files and text files are available in the SlideRoom system.

7. $75 Application Fee

Payable via credit card during the application submission stage online.

8. Additional Requirements for International Applicants

International candidates whose primary language is not English must demonstrate proficiency in both written and spoken English. Additionally, certified translations of all letters of reference, transcripts and school documentation must be provided. For additional information on international applicant requirements, please visit Information for International Graduate Applicants.