Illustration (MA)

Whitney Sherman

Whitney Sherman's creative output is multi-faceted. Beyond her career as an award-winning illustrator, she has worked in design, advertising, packaging, and television.

As Chair of Illustration at MICA from 2000-2010, she grew the department into the largest at the College with innovative interdisciplinary courses, a concentration in book arts, and programming geared for the gaming industry. As Co-Director of Dolphin Press & Print @ MICA, she directed book and print projects with Henrik Drescher/Wu Wing Yee, Peter Kuper, and Michael Bartalos. Sherman's current work in limited edition house wares and prints represents her view of illustrator's expanding roles.

Her clients include national magazines such as the NY Times, Business Week, Forbes, design firms such as Tolleson Design, Pentagram, Ronn Campisi Design, and Karnes-Prickett, national institutions such as the Templeton Foundation, Ad Council, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, and the American Red Cross, and publishers such as Clarkson Potter, Random House, and St. Martin's Press. Her commission to create the art for the US Postal Service Breast Cancer Research Stamp, now in its 13th year, is the longest running postal issue in US history. It has raised over $70 million in research funding.

Sherman's illustrated books include Hear! Here! and A Cow of No Color, the themed books Heaven + Hell, and Dialogue: The Fine Art of Conversation, both published by Mark Murphy Design, and Designer's Self-Image, an international showcase of identity graphics. She has contributed to The Education of an Illustrator, and Educating Illustrators, both by Marshall Arisman & Steve Heller.

Her illustration and design work has been exhibited at the Norman Rockwell Museum, National Postal Museum, Art Institute of Chicago, Israel Museum, Axis Gallery/Tokyo, and the Society of Illustrators Gallery of American Illustration in NY. And she initiated the exhibitions Comics on the Verge, and Another Voice : Political Illustration from The Progressive, 1982-1999 at MICA. Her public lectures include the Hallmark Residency Lecturer at the University of Kansas and the Closing Keynote at the Educators Symposium at the Society of Illustrators NY. She was also President of ICON5, the national illustration conference in New York.

Recently, Sherman is an editor on The History of Illustration Project, a new, comprehensive, online resource dedicated to illustration. The evolving digital resource is designed to provide greater access to information about the field. The website is designed in tandem with the textbook, A History of Illustration, published by Fairchild/Bloomsbury and due out on the fall of 2016.