Luca Buvoli (born in Italy, lives in New York), Director of the Mount Royal School of Art at MICA, is an artist working with animated film and video, installation, sculpture, painting and drawing.

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Stephanie Barber is an American writer and artist. She has created a poetic, conceptual and philosophical body of work in a variety of media.

Learn more about Stephanie Barber


Alice Aycock is an American sculptor and installation artist. She was an early artist in the land art movement in the 1970s, and has created many large-scale metal sculptures around the world.

Learn more about Alice Ayock


One of the leading political and performance artists of her generation, Bruguera researches ways in which Art can be applied to the everyday political life; focusing on the transformation of social affect into political effectiveness.

Learn more about TANIA BRUGUERA


Siobhan Liddell (born in England, lives in New York) is a painter and sculptor whose work has been exhibited in shows including the Whitney Biennial, New York, and the Yokohama Triennial, Japan, and in institutions such as the Musee d'Art Moderne de la Ville de Paris, the Contemporary Arts Museum in Houston, TX, and others in America, Europe and Japan.

Learn more about Siobhan Liddell


Working at the intersection of art installation and performance, Claude Wampler (Born 1966 in Pennsylvania, lives in New York City and Charlottesville, VA) engages and experiments with liveness and the art object, concealment and revelation, the performance of the spectator, and the productivity of failure.

Learn more about CLAUDE WAMPLER


Mark Harris is an artist, writer, and curator. His approaches to making artwork are linked by an interest in the imagery of intoxication as a form of utopian representation considered as alternative agency to militant strategies of the historical avant-gardes. Mark is also currently coordinator of critical studies at Goldsmiths College in London. Mark Harris's degrees include MA in Painting from The Royal College of Art, London; MA in Continental Philosophy from University of Warwick, Coventry; and PhD in Philosophy from Goldsmiths College, London.

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Nina Yuen (b. 1981, Hawaii) received her BA from Harvard University, her MFA from Bard College, and completed a residency at the Rijksakademie in Amsterdam.

Learn more about Nina Yuen


Working in video, photography, sculpture and sound, he is drawn to moments intended for mass audiences (live sports events, stadium concert tours, televised game shows, celebrity glamour shots), which he meticulously samples and re-edits to expose an uncanny emptiness underneath.

Learn more about Paul Pfieffer


Fabian Marcaccio (1963, Rosario, Argentina, lives in New York) has exhibited internationally his environmental paintings, animations, and "Paintants," that combine digitally manipulated imagery, sculptural form, and three dimensionally painted surfaces.

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Sondra Perry makes performance, videos, and works as a "data generator" and "free creative laboror" at "The Internet".

Learn more about Sondra Perry


Lucio Pozzi (1935, Milan, Italy, lives in Hudson, NY, and Valeggio s/M, VR, Italy) is a pioneer in working across different media and approaches, often coexisting in the same show.

Learn more about Lucio Pozzi


Dario Robleto is an American transdisciplinary artist, researcher, writer, teacher and “citizen-scientist”. His research-driven practice results in intricately handcrafted objects that reflect his exploration of music, popular culture, science, war, and American history.

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Robert Storr is an artist, critic, curator and in 2006 was appointed Professor of Painting and Dean of the School of Art at Yale University.

Learn more about Robert Storr


Exhibiting internationally since the early 1990s, artist Suzanne McClelland's practice includes both large-scale paintings and works on paper.

Learn more about Suzanne


Dread Scott makes revolutionary art to propel history forward. His work is exhibited across the US and internationally. In 1989, his art became the center of national controversy over its transgressive use of the American flag, while he was a student at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago.

Learn more about Dread Scott