May Sun is active in multiple disciplines and professional pursuits as a public artist, studio-based artist, and art educator.

May Sun has exhibited internationally and her large-scale multi-media installation UnderGround is in the permanent collection at the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles (MOCA). Her awards include two NEA fellowships, a Getty Fellowship, a Silver Award from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, a Vesta Award from the Woman's Building, an American Institute of Architects Certificate of Recognition Award, and an Honor Award from the Westside Urban Forum in Los Angeles.

Public art commissions include the Robert Kennedy Inspiration Park at the site of the former Ambassador Hotel in Los Angeles, Union Station Gateway Center in downtown Los Angeles, the Hollywood and Western Red Line Subway Station, Culver City's City Hall, a public plaza for Boston's Chinatown, and the San Antonio International Airport. In her public commissions, she approaches each situation through intensive research into the regional, cultural, and forgotten histories of the site, as well as conducting ongoing conversations with members of the community to create narrative-based historically relevant statements that will resonate as landmarks for years to come. She collaborates with other artists and designers and feels that working with a cross-section of people adds fresh perspective to design process.

Sun received a BA in Art from UCLA and attended the MFA program at Otis Art Institute (now Otis College of Art and Design). She has taught at many universities and art schools including Cal Arts and Otis where her students designed a freedom memorial for veterans and U.S. military service members in Palau, Micronesia.

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