Here's a quick overview of what can be found in our collections and how to find it.

From printed matter to electronic media, Decker Library offers a wide variety of research materials.

The emphasis and strength of our collections is the documentation and interpretation of visual art and design, including artists, events, and trends of the 20th and 21st centuries.

Critical discourse surrounding these activities is also one of our strengths. 

Printed Materials and eBooks

Find Printed Materials & eBooks

Our printed materials include books and periodicals (magazines, journals, etc.), with a special emphasis on the areas of art and design. The majority of books in our collection are circulating, or available for check out. Certain volumes are designated as "non-circulating books," as well. Periodicals are available for in-library use only. Ebooks are also searchable through our library catalog.

Have any questions about our printed matter policies? Contact Access Services at

Articles and Media

Find Articles and Media

Remember, not everything can be found in a book! This is why we subscribe to several databases that offer academic, scholarly, and encyclopedic articles and information, images, and streaming video on a wide variety of topics. Reminder: some of our article databases are integrated into our catalog, but not all.

Don't see something you're looking for? Use the interlibrary loan link to request that we borrow an item from another library on your behalf.

Special Collections (Analog and Digitized)

Find Special Collections

Special Collections at Decker Library include rare and/or historic photographs, prints (e.g. lithographs), artists' books, rare books, architectural records, and audiovisual material, such as moving images and audio, manuscripts, publications, and MICA Archives.

Some items are digitized and available on Digital Decker, others can be viewed in the library. Shoot us an email at for guidelines on viewing things in the library or take a look at our Special Collections page.