Teaching Support

Instruction & Information Literacy at Decker Library

The Instruction Team is also committed to inclusivity and interdisciplinarity in its instructional practices.

High Level Goals for Instruction:

  • Students will demonstrate an ability to make informed choices in both their life and their work.
  • Students will illustrate the connections between their research and artistic practices.
  • Students will identify the connections between research and real world matters.
  • Students will recognize the social and political implications of art making.
  • Students will be inspired to create, develop and design work that improves the MICA community and the Baltimore community at large.

Questions? Contact us at refer@mica.edu or at 410-225-2273.

Decker Library Information Literacy Program

Our Teaching Methodology

Inspired by the principles of critical librarianship and active learning techniques, the Instruction Program seeks to support all MICA students and promote and open and inclusive academic environment here at MICA.

Decker Library's Instruction Program is centered around a commitment to information literacy and draws heavily upon the ACRL Framework for Information Literacy.

Topics for instruction can include anything from getting started with research to specific workshops on copyright and digital images.

For more information about specific course guides for Art Matters, Modernism and After, and many more, see the Information Literacy Program Guide.