Teaching Support

Video Streaming Service for Faculty

Faculty: Need your class to watch a film? See if our streaming site for faculty has what you need.

Decker Library offers two video streaming services for different uses: 

About MICA's Kanopy Subscription

Due to high costs, we are only capable of purchasing new licenses on Kanopy when requested by a faculty member for class use. However, there are hundreds of films available to the MICA community to view without need to request. Additionally, Enoch Pratt Free Library subscribes to Kanopy, which can be accessed with their regular Library Card, or their eCard (more below). 

A few points to note about MICA's subscription: 

  • Anyone with a MICA username and password can view films we already have licenses to stream on Kanopy. However, only MICA faculty can request that we purchase films we don't already have licenses for. 
  • Faculty must make requests directly through Kanopy, as this is the only way we can fulfill requests (see the next section below). 
  • We fulfill requests as soon as we can, but it does take Kanopy a bit of time to process purchases. 
  • Please keep in mind that licenses are typically for one year, so if you keep a film on your syllabi, double-check that we still have access to it with a couple weeks lead time. 

About Enoch Pratt Free Library's Kanopy Subscription:

  • Enoch Pratt Free Library's (EPFL) Kanopy subscription is available to those with a regular Library Card, or with an eCard. You can register for their eCard online.
  • An eCard will provide access to not only Kanopy, but their other digital resources including eBooks and other databases. 
  • EPFL's subscription might have licenses to different films, so if you're searching for a film on Kanopy, I would check both EPFL and MICA's subscription. 

Accessing Kanopy Off-Campus

You can access MICA's Kanopy subscription at https://mica.kanopy.com/

If you are off-campus, you will be asked to login with your MICA username and password. 

Screenshot of Kanopy asking you to login to your MICA account
Image: When you go to the Kanopy URL, you will see the screen above. 

Screenshot of Kanopy providing a space to login using your MICA username and password
Image: Enter your MICA username and password. 

Screenshot of Kanopy after successfully logging in
Image: Kanopy's landing page will look like the above image when login is successful. 

Please note that the steps above provide access to Kanopy, but do not create a login in Kanopy for you. A Kanopy login is optional (and useful if you want to create lists, etc.). If you'd like to create an account on Kanopy, hit the Login button in the upper right bar. 

Requesting a Film via Kanopy

If we have access to a film on Kanopy, when you click the title, it will show the film with a Play button, like the image below. 

Screenshot of a film we have access to on Kanopy
Image: We have access to this film, so it is shown here with a Play button. 

If we do not have access to a film, when you click on the film title, a page will appear letting you know you must request this film. The page will also have a form that must be filled out in order to fulfill requests.

Screenshot of a film we do not have access to on Kanopy
Image: Use the form provided by Kanopy to request we purchase a film we do not have access to.