1. Wear proper personal protection equipment: safety glasses or face shield are required. Wear hearing protection when operating the jointer A dust mask is recommended. Do not wear gloves.
  2. Wear proper apparel: No loose fitting clothes or neckties. No loose jewelry. Long hair must be covered or tied back. Non-slip footwear is recommended.
  3. Keep the work area clean. Cluttered areas and benches invite accidents.
  4. Open the blast gate on the dust collection port.
  5. Make sure that the fence is anchored in the proper position.
  6. Make sure the swing guard pushes beside the stock as it passes over the cutting head, and easily swings back against the fence once the stock is removed. Use the swing guard at all times.
  7. Check the stock carefully before surfacing to make sure it is free of knots or defects. Never surface plywood, wood by-products, or wood that has been painted or used.
  8. Clean rough lumber with a wire brush to remove dirt and reveal any embedded metal.
  9. Do not surface any stock under 12" in length or under 1/2" thick.
  10. The maximum depth of cut should be 1/16".
  11. Use a push block when jointing a thin piece of lumber or when face planing.
  12. Hold the board firmly against the fence and table. Never make free hand cuts.
  13. Plane with the grain. Never plane the end grain of stock.
  14. Keep your fingers away from the revolving cutter head. Any bodily contact with the moving blade will cause severe injury.
  15. Stand on the left side of the machine, not behind the wood. Kick backs can occur.
  16. Turn the jointer off immediately if it does not sound right or if slivers of wood catch between the blades and the table.
  17. Never let go of the stock during a cut.

Download PDF: Jointer Safety Sheet