Fall 2016 - Summer 2017

  • Preliminary work in preparation for self-study.

Fall 2017

  • Finalize plan for proceeding with self-study including a composition of various working groups.
  • Self-study launch/steering committee and working group training session.
  • Working groups receive charges, begin the inquiry and establish regular meeting schedules to analyze data and documents and submit initial report outlines.

Spring 2018

  • Working groups complete draft reports and coordinate with the steering committee to finalize their chapters.

Summer 2018

  • Steering committee completes initial draft of the self-study reports including various contextual elements and summary/recommendations.
  • Draft self-study report is posted to website and campus community is informed of availability and plan for community vetting.

Fall 2018

  • Self-study updates are provided to faculty and staff in the opening Fall meetings and feedback is solicited from the campus community and Board of Trustees.
  • Final draft of MSCHE self-study is completed and submitted to the evaluation team chair.
  • MSCHE evaluation team chair preliminary visit.
  • MSCHE self-study report is finalized along with a compliance report which is reviewed by a MSCHE representative.

Spring 2019

  • Submit final self-study reports in advance of evaluation team visits:
  • MSCHE in March 2019
  • NASAD in April 2019
  • Campus briefing and self-study updates provided to staff and faculty in Spring closing meetings.

Summer 2019

  • MSCHE commission meeting and action for reaccreditation.

Fall 2019

  • NASAD commission meeting and action for reaccreditation.