Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Globalization

Accountability Monitoring Group

A DEIG integration Accountability Monitoring Group (AMG), with broad representation of leaders from various college constituency groups, was planned in fall 2017 and will be appointed to begin its work in spring 2018.

The organizational and operational principles of this group are as follows:

  • The AMG is a campus cross-functional monitoring group that works in parallel with the President’s Council. While the latter oversees the implementation of the DEIG integration plan across campus, the former reviews the progress and outcomes of such work. As such, the AMG acts as an internal auditor; its role is to monitor, advise and report out, and not to do the work.
  • The AMG will have an operational charter that articulates its goals, principles, duties and working methods (to be designed in fall 2017).
  • The AMG will issue semestral updates to keep the campus community informed (beginning at the end of spring 2018), as the Task Force has done during its working period.
  • The duration of the AMG will be limited, with an open-ended timeframe between 2020 and 2026, which marks MICA’s bicentennial and the conclusion of the upcoming 2020–2026 Strategic Plan; when AMG sunsets, a new accountability system will be determined to support ongoing DEIG work.
  • The AMG will work closely with the three President’s Council members most responsible for driving and monitoring the President’s Council’s work, namely the President, Provost and Vice President of Student Affairs.
  • The proposed membership of the AMG, up to 15 members, will include rotating seats, as student members graduate and leaders from various campus groups come in and out of their positions. The projected membership is as follows:
    • 2015–2017 Task Force Co-Chairs (Samuel Hoi, Clyde Johnson, Colette Veasey-Cullors)
    • Provost
    • Vice President of Student Affairs
    • Vice President of Strategic Initiatives
    • Board of Trustees Chair
    • Associate Vice President of Human Resources
    • Assessment Committee leader (Academic Affairs)
    • Student Voice Association (SVA) leadership representative (rotating as different student leaders fill the position)
    • Black Student Union (BSU) Co-President (one of two, and rotating as different student leaders fill the position)
    • Two to three Identify-Based Student Organization leaders (rotating among groups, and rotating as different student leaders fill the position)
    • Faculty Executive Committee (FEC) leadership representative (rotating as different faculty leaders fill the position)
    • Staff Enrichment Council (SEC) leadership representative (rotating as different staff leaders fill the position)