Alexa Kim joined MICA as vice president of Technology in 2017.

Kim brings more than 22 years of progressive leadership experience in information technology, customer experience and organizational change. Prior to MICA, she served as a vice president at the University of Maryland University College and as an executive director at The George Washington University.

Her roles have focused on large programs and initiatives that significantly progress the technology foundations and customer experience of large and complex institutions focused on growth. Her career has spanned the rapid development of technology infrastructure, services and innovation in educational delivery. An unwavering belief in the transformative and empowering force of education inspires her daily. Her leadership responsibilities include building and creating high-performing teams and managing large and varied units of both IT and business services and operations. She initiates key strategic and operational improvements, modernizing organizational structure and growing staff capabilities to greatly enhance service delivery.

Kim holds a B.A. in both History and French from Vassar College, which included a study abroad year at the Universite d’Aix-en-Provence and La Sorbonne in Paris, France. Immediately after her undergraduate studies she worked as a Rural Community Development United States Peace Corps volunteer in Benin, West Africa. Her graduate degree is an M.A. in Telecommunications from The George Washington University. Additional executive/continuing education work includes a CIO Institute Certificate from Carnegie Mellon University, a Certificate of Professional Development in Management from the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business, a Leadership Coaching Certificate from Georgetown University and the Kellogg Executive Scholars Program at Northwestern University. In 2015 she was awarded the UMUC Presidential Award. She has presented at the SANS Institute, EduCause and JiveWorld.