Faculty are expected to keep record of student attendance based upon their current class roster. Unless otherwise indicated by the instructor, students are expected to attend all meetings of each class in which they are enrolled. They are expected to be ready to start work at the opening of class and to remain for the entire class session. Irregular attendance or habitual tardiness usually leads to lower grades and, ultimately, to academic probation or academic dismissal.

Students should contact their instructor(s) as soon as possible when they have been or will be absent from class. Absences may impact the final grade so students should consult their class syllabus for their instructors' specific attendance policy. Notification and acknowledgement of failure to attend does not necessarily indicate an excused absence. Generally, students who miss more than 20% of the class meetings will earn a failing grade.

In the case of extended illness, injury, or extenuating circumstance, students must contact the Student Development Specialist in the Office of Student Affairs so that instructors can be notified. Graduate students must also contact the Office of Graduate Studies, or Open Studies. An appropriate administrator will facilitate a conversation with faculty to determine whether the student can achieve satisfactory academic progress.