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Transportation Policies

MICA Accident & Breakdown Procedures

For Incidents Involving MICA Owned and Rented Vehicles


MICA policy requires that any accident involving college-owned or -rented vehicles must be reported immediately to local law enforcement within the jurisdiction where the accident occurred, and to MICA’s Department of Campus Safety (if possible). If the accident is within MICA’s Campus Safety perimeter (Addendum X), drivers of MICA vehicles must call MICA dispatch at 410-225-2245 immediately so a MICA officer may respond and complete an Incident Report.

In the event that there is an accident involving a MICA-owned or -rented vehicle, the driver’s primary safety function is to insure that all parties are safely moved out of harm’s way from the vicinity of the accident. Note: severely injured parties should be moved only by trained medical personnel, except under the crisis circumstances, to prevent additional injuries to the victim.

In the glove compartment of every MICA-owned vehicle is an accident reporting kit, which contains a “MICA Accident Report Form” and an insurance card with policy information, and instructions for filing in a claim. Drivers are responsible for insuring that the kit is in the glove compartment before using the vehicle. For rental vehicles, a MICA “For Hire” insurance card and a “MICA Accident Report Form” may be obtained from Chris Bohaska in Campus Services in advance of the rental of the vehicle or on the respective links above. MICA Accident Report Forms are also recommended for drivers utilizing personal vehicles for college-related travel.

Within 24 hours of any accident, the completed “MICA Accident Report Form” should be sent to Campus Services at cbohaska@mica.edu along with any other related paperwork, like a Campus Safety Incident Report and/or a police report. Drivers must also report the accident to their supervisor.

Other points of consideration in the event of an accident:

  1. Make no statements to anyone other than local law enforcement or MICA Campus Safety officers;
  2. Make no statement about payment of damages or the nature of the MICA’s insurance;
  3. Do not admit liability.

Drivers of MICA-owned and -rented vehicles as well as personal vehicles are responsible for all citations/fees received as a result of an accident, excessive speed, moving violations or toll violations. MICA will not reimburse these citations/fees.

If a college-owned vehicle is damaged and cannot be moved, the Police or Campus Safety officer will make recommendations for towing through Greenwood Towing. If a Transportation shuttle or bus is damaged and cannot be moved, contact the Transportation Office or Miller Transportation for assistance in calling Rosedale Towing. If a rented vehicle is damaged, follow the procedures outlined in the rental agreement or posted inside the vehicle.

MICA Accident Report Form

A “MICA Accident Report Form” must be completed at the scene of any accident for a MICA-owned or -rented vehicle and submitted to cbohaska@mica.edu within 24 hours. If the vehicle’s glove compartment does not have one, one may be obtained at the link above.

Failure to report any incidents and failing to complete a “MICA Accident Report Form” within 24 hours of an accident may result in the loss of all driving privileges of college-owned and -rented vehicles.


If a breakdown occurs with a MICA-owned vehicle, contact the MICA Campus Safety dispatch at 410-225-2245 for further assistance. A Campus Safety officer will assist in calling a tow for your vehicle. If a breakdown occurs with a MICA rental vehicle, call the rental company’s number provided with the rental contract for authorization.

Helpful Contacts

Campus Safety Dispatch: 410-225-2245

Transportation: 410-225-2340

Campus Services: 410-225-2490

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