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Transportation Policies

MICA Pre-Trip Vehicle Inspection Form

This inspection form must be complete and signed by the driver prior to each use of the vehicle. The form should be turned in to your supervisor at the end of the trip.

Date: ____________________

MICA Vehicle: ______________________

Driver Name (please print): ______________________________


Appropriate Tire Condition and Tire Pressure   Yes _____   No ______


Brake Lights Working   Yes  _____  No ______          


Head Lights Working   Yes ______ No ______


Directional Signals Working   Yes ______  No ______


Horn Working   Yes _____   No ______


Windshield Wipers working; Washer fluid adequate   Yes _____ No ______


Rear-view and Side-view mirrors set appropriately  Yes ______  No ______


Under carriage NOT leaking  Yes ______ No ______


Seat belts functional   Yes _____  No _______


Insurance card and Accident Report Form in Glove Box  Yes ______  No _______


Vehicles found to be deficient (with a “No” answer) in any of these or other areas should rectified immediately (tire pressure, fluids, etc.) or reported immediately to the department supervisor.


List any conditions or problems that occur during the trip or from the list above that need to be corrected: _____________________________________________________________________



Return this form to your department at the end of your shift.  Department will file report for one year.

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