Teaching and Learning

Faculty Development

There is still space in the Spring 2020 Teaching and Lunching Conversations (TLCs) on Inclusive Course Design. The next two sessions are Wednesday, March 4th and April 1st. You can find more information about these sessions and register here. Space is limited to 20 persons in each session and lunch will be provided.

Integrating English Language Learners into Instruction, MICA’s own online course for faculty on inclusive teaching will hold its summer session from May18th-July13th. During this eight-week online course, participants will begin a new module each Monday and then complete course work throughout the week with one of MICA’s ELL specialists serving in the role of facilitator. It is anticipated that participants will spend five hours per week on coursework. Detailed information about the course can be found in the syllabus. After successfully completing the course, participants will receive a $500 stipend and a certificate of completion from MICA’s Center for Teaching Innovation & Exchange. This opportunity is open to all full-time faculty and part-time faculty who are on the teaching schedule for Fall 2020. Space is limited to 18 participants. Please complete this short form if you would like to participate in the summer session.


Hold the dates for Fall 2020 kick-off week events and professional development.

New Faculty Orientation, Monday, August 24th.

Faulty Professional Development Day and Welcome Back Happy Hour, Thursday, August 27th.

Full-Faculty Luncheon and Meeting, Friday, August 28th.


Professional Development Workshops Previously Offered Include:

3-Year Assessment Plans: Feedback and Support

Assessment Practice: Feasible Collection of Student Work for Assessment

Assessment Practice: Learnings from Closing the Loop

Student Learning Assessment: Making it Meangful, Keeping it Feasible

Your Role in Assessment: Instructor vs (?) Critic



Crossing Cultures: Supporting Chinese Students at MICA

Disability Support Services 101

Multicultural MICA: An International Student Perspective

Supporting International Students at MICA

Understanding Gender Identity, Fluidity, & Sexual Identity

The Ethics and Practicalities of Community Engagement: IRB and Beyond

Walls, Gates and Bridges: Exploring the Challenges and Opportunities of Community-Based Learning Through Creative Practice at JHU

Advanced Topics in Canvas

Canvas Commons and Course Templates: Sharing and Reusing Course Content in Canvas

Canvas Intro

Google Apps for Education

Just Press Print, Right: Laser Cutters, 3D Printers, and CNC Machining, Oh My!

Teaching with Laptops

Above and Beyond Inclusive Teaching: Addressing Unique Aspects of ELLs

Active Listening In and Out of the Classroom

Assignment Architecture: Clear, Accessible, and Equitable Assignment Designs for Research and Writing

Developing Student Artists-Researchers

Digital 3D Portraiture

Expanding on How to Use Critique

“Humility is Cool:” Integrating Cultural Humility in the Classroom

"I'm the First but Not the Last:" Supporting First Generation College Students

Microaggressions in the Classroom and Beyond

Printmaking and Globe: Research and Access

Speaking so Students Can Listen, Listening so Students can Speak: ELL Communication Skills

Summer ELL Course TESOL

Teaching Circle and Beyond: The Multilingual Multicultural Classroom

Teaching International Students: Impacts on Pedagogy

Teaching with Inclusivity for Students on the Autism Spectrum

Teaching with Mindfulness in Multicultural Classrooms

The Accessible Classroom: Strategies to Support Students' Executive Functioning Skills

Using Mindfulness in the Classroom

When the Classroom Becomes an Awkward Space


Envisioning Research: Developing a Shared Vision for Research @ MICA

Introduction to Research Ethics

MICA's "Quick Start" Sponsored Project Guidelines: An Introduction to the Process for Externally Funded Research

Communications Toolkit, Design

Coping with and Supporting Differences: Strategies for Engaging Students who Struggle with Mental Health Disorders

Legal Issues for Artists & Designers


Professional Development Topic Suggestions

If you have a suggestion for a professional development topic, please submit below.