Let’s Get Creative! Examples and Case Studies

As you develop creative ways of engaging your students in meaningful work through distance teaching/learning, please share your approaches with Terra Schehr, Associate Vice President for Educational Planning & Development, so they can be added to this resource.

You can also share your readings, assignments, and other content you have in Canvas with your colleagues by putting them in the Canvas Commons. Remember, you can also search the commons for material to incorporate in your courses. This short video shows how to share your material to the Commons and how to bring material from the Commons into your course.

In the meantime, join the Facebook groups:

How the hell do we do this? Teaching Visual Art Online

Online Art Studio Instruction in the Age of "Social Distancing"

Printmaking Distance Learning

Shifting Film, Media, Screenwriting & Production Online for COVID-19


Global Letterforms Exhibition from Zvezdana Stojmirovic

Selected Posts for Art History and Humanistic Studies from Online Art Studio Instruction in the Age of "Social Distancing" - curated by Mina Cheon

Art History: Get ideas and incorporate materials from the Open Education Resource Art 101 course.

Ceramics: Incorporate content from the Annual Conference of the National Council on Education for the Ceramic Arts and Artaxis into your courses. Here are two specific assignments from Tales of a Clay Rambler.

Drawing: Use the free online character posing tool JustSketchMe