Create a critical consciousness.

Engaging in the arts, whether through required courses or extracurricular activities, is valuable in developing essential skills that professionals need, like critical thinking and observational and communication skills, as well as bias awareness and empathy.

MICA offers Community Education courses and workshops in pastel painting, figure drawing, oil painting, open studio model sessions, and seminars on art collecting.

Coronavirus / COVID-19 Update

MICA has made the decision to cancel Community Education, Professional Practice, YPS, and ADCAP classes through the end of the spring term effective March 13, 2020. The online Professional Practice course, Information Visualization Basics will not be cancelled.  

For those enrolled in a Spring Community Education, Professional Practice, or YPS course , our office will provide you with a refund for the balance of your tuition or you may opt for a 50% discount for a Fall 2020 Community Education, Professional Practice or YPS course.  

Please let us know if you would prefer a refund or a discount on a fall class by emailing us at

  • 1.  Your name.
  • 2.  The name/s of the classes in which you are enrolled.

This decision is for the spring term only.   As the situation around coronavirus (COVID-19) continues to rapidly evolve, MICA remains vigilant in monitoring updates and implementing measures from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and has created this webpage to provide information and resources, copies of official campus memos and details about preventative measures the College is taking. Thank you for entrusting us with your ongoing education.  We hope you remain safe and healthy during these uncertain times. 

If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact the Office of Open Studies at

A preview of our Summer 2020 Community Education courses include:

Drawing Courses & Two-Day Workshop

  • Learning to Draw You will learn that you do not need some elusive gift, instead with time, commitment and practice that you will learn to draw the world the way only you can see it. Thursdays, starting May 21 / 6:30p - 9:45p
  • Open Model Studio Session Sessions are offered for those who want to draw or paint from the live figure. Each section includes two models—one for quick poses for sketching and one for sustained drawing or painting. Sundays, starting June 7 / 2:00p - 5:00p
  • Plein Air at Cylburn Arboretum Workshop Spend two Saturdays at Cylburn Arboretum observing vistas and gardens to expand and develop your skills, techniques, composition and personal direction.  Saturdays:  June 6 & 13/ 10a - 4p

Fiber Two-Day Workshops

  • Handprint Textiles Workshop This two-day workshop focuses on using stencils and printing blocks for textiles, emphasizing repeat patterns for floorcloths and cloth. We will view and discuss early American use of patterns for the home and garments while creating a 24 x 36" floorcloth and a 2 yard printed cotton muslin.  Saturdays:  June 20 & 27 / 9:00a - 3:00p
  • Resist Dyeing on Silk Workshop This two-day workshop starts with an introduction to acid dyes, silk fabrics and shibori techniques. You will then create and experiment with your own surface designs. Silk fabric yardage, scarves, dyes and auxiliary chemicals are provided as part of the class material cost.  Saturdays:  June 6 & 13 / 10:00a - 4:00p 

Photography Two-Day Workshops

  • CyanotypeWorkshop This two-day workshop will explore the possibilities of working with the Cyanotype process in both traditional and contemporary methods. You will learn to coat the emulsion onto paper and fabric and expose and develop prints. The class will make use the process to make photograms from found objects and also learn to create and print their own digital negatives. Saturdays:  June 6 & 13 / 11:00a - 4:00p 

View the full course list

Open Studies Summer 2020 Catalog

Art + Design Classes for Adults

MICA Open Studies offers a rich and varied schedule for anyone interested in pursuing the study of art and design at MICA. Download our Open Studies Catalog (PDF) to explore our course offerings.

Question? We can help.

Office of Open Studies


1229 Mount Royal Avenue Baltimore, MD 21217