Programs for Children

YPS Weekend Art Classes at The St. Paul's Schools

Spring 2020 classes at St. Paul's Schools listed below.

NCSP 104 Real & Fanciful Landscapes (Grades 3-5)

Location: St. Pauls School. Grades 3-5: In this introductory landscape course, students take a fantastic journey into some truly unusual landscapes. Using children's literature as inspiration, students embark upon fanciful journeys into a colorful world of realistic, personal, and fanciful landscapes. They will create cityscapes, oceanscapes, and scenes from both an insect's point of view and a birds-eye view. From there, they will journey to far-away places to capture moonscapes and underwater seascapes. Emphasis is on problem-solving, exercising the imagination, using writing to enhance fanciful scenes, and experimentation with a variety of materials and techniques.

Section Meeting Schedules
Section A
2/1/2020 - 4/11/2020
9:30AM - 12:00PM
James Travers

NCSP 304 Drawing Out of the Box (Grades 6-8)

Located at the St. Paul's School. Grades 6-8. This course is designed to build upon and expand the students' concept of drawing. Students use conventional and unconventional drawing tools and materials to investigate "mark making" as it relates to the development of symbolic and expressive form. Working from observation, imagination, music, dreams and memory, students become comfortable thinking outside the box when it comes to their own creative possibilities.

Section Meeting Schedules
Section A
2/1/2020 - 4/11/2020
9:30AM - 12:00PM