Summer Pre-College

Pre-College Policies

Policies and Procedures

Credit and Evaluation

Students earn 3 credits, 2 credits or 1 credit for satisfactory completion of the Pre-College Art & Design Residency Program for the 5-week, 3-week, and 2-week options, respectively. The level of performance in the classes will be indicated by letter grades ranging from A to F.

Admission Criteria and Who May Apply

MICA's Pre-College Art & Design Residency Program is an extremely popular program, attracting both students who have been taking art courses for a long time and those who are relatively new to the study of art. Consequently, the admission process is designed to assure a good fit between the applicant and the program. Current high school sophomores and juniors may apply to MICA's Pre-College Art & Design Residency Program.

International students of equivalent grade level with the appropriate visa(s) and a demonstrated proficiency in the English language are also welcome to apply. To obtain a visa, students must show that they have sufficient funds to pay for the total cost of the Pre-College Art & Design Residency Program. International students are required to have individual health insurance while attending school in the United States. 

How to Prepare Your Portfolio

All pieces in your portfolio of artwork must be marked with your name, media, dimensions, and month/year completed. 

Please note: Portfolios will not be returned.

Application Requirements

Applicants must submit a complete application, including all forms and portfolio, online through Slideroom at . Please follow the link to set up an account. You will be prompted through the application process. The online application option includes all required forms, attachments, and a non-refundable $50 application fee.

Preparing Your Digital Portfolio on CD or USB Drive (Formatting Guidelines)

The digital images submitted must fairly and accurately represent the applicant's work and not have been manipulated or altered. Each student must submit original works that have been created by herself or himself that do not infringe upon the intellectual property rights of any other individual or entity. If a student's work incorporates material, including but not limited to photographs, not created by the student, the student must include an additional copy of any and all such source material in his or her application.

Still imagery (painting, photography, sculpture, and digitally created art) should be submitted as jpegs saved at 72 dpi resolution and at a size of 600 pixels in the longest direction.

Please make certain that your name is clearly labeled.

Note: Please do not email or fax portfolios. We cannot accept portfolios sent via email or fax.

Right to Reproduce Policy

Maryland Institute College of Art reserves the right to reproduce without notification any photographs of students or artwork produced by students while attending the College's degree and Open Studies programs; this reproduction will be for non-commercial purposes only, and may include print publications, institutional websites, e-communications, multimedia presentations, and documents about the College for admission, recruitment, fundraising, or institutional informational purposes.

Statement of Equal Opportunity and Services to the Disabled

In compliance with federal, state, and local laws and regulations, Maryland Institute College of Art does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, or applicable veteran's status in the administration of its educational activities, or with respect to employment.

It is the policy of Maryland Institute College of Art to provide those auxiliary aids and services that may be necessary to ensure that no individual with a disability is excluded, denied services, segregated, or otherwise treated differently than other individuals unless providing such auxiliary aids and services would result in an undue burden. Present or prospective students desiring further information should contact MICA Open Studies.

Subject to Change

Maryland Institute College of Art reserves the right to make changes affecting policies, fees, curricula, or to cancel or reschedule any class or to change instructors. It also reserves the right to deny any student permission to enter or continue a class or program.