Coordinator for Community Arts

Ask me about: Community Art and Service Program, Community Site Leader position, volunteer opportunities, community organizations, local grants and opportunities

I was born and raised in Seoul, South Korea until my family migrated to the U.S. when I was 15. I graduated from MICA in 2017 with BFA in Interdisciplinary Sculpture and have been working in youth development through arts education. In January 2019, I started working for Center for Student Engagement’s Community Art and Service Program because my interest and value as an artist was shaped through my time in the program as an undergraduate student. I am also an organizing member of Press Press, an independent publishing initiative based in Baltimore and LA. As an organizer, I facilitate workshops, create content that centers the voices of those who are often mis-represented or marginalized and share the stories through publishing in different formats. My heart is with all migrant experiences and I organize spaces for those who experience in-betweenness of cultures. If you are interested in making zines, bookmaking, independent publishing and collaborative working processes, I would love to talk to you about it!