MICA is a top college of art and design, but not everyone knows us.

To change that, we need to work together to make sure people around the world recognize our MICA mark and see the quality of all our work in a consistent brand presentation. Our goal is to ensure that both our name and brand become recognizable everywhere. We're asking you to join us in this work.

What is the MICA Communications Toolkit?

This site is a collection of templates, guidelines, logos and other resources that allow you to work more efficiently while maintaining the strength and consistency of MICA's brand. If you have a story to tell, this toolkit can help you tell it in the most effective way possible.

But, if you still have questions, we encourage you to contact us at any time if you need help, have a large project, or want wider exposure. Email us at communications@mica.edu, give us a call at 410.225.2300 or stop by at the Annex building.

How do I use the MICA Communications Toolkit?

We’ve attempted to structure the toolkit in an intuitive way. Browse away, find the guidelines you're looking for, and download any of the available resources. Make sure to check out the pages dedicated to event planning, social media, public relations and more to get a better understanding of how we can help you share MICA’s story. 

But if you don’t see what you’re looking for, check out Meet Us and reach out to one of us directly — we’re here to help.