Environmental Health & Safety

Waste Streams at MICA

MICA has trash, recycling, composting and e-waste bins located in many different areas on campus.


Trash bins are located throughout all buildings on MICA's campus and within residential dorms. All trash should be placed in the correctly labeled trash bin including: all non-recyclable items, food waste, plastic bags, food wrappers/bags, and Styrofoam. The trash bins should not contain anything that belongs in recycling, e-waste or compost.

Single Stream Recycling

Recycling bins are located throughout all buildings on MICA's campus and within residential dorms. When recycling plastic bottles, it is best to leave caps on the bottle since they can incorrectly sorted during the sorting process. Food can contaminate and make items non-recyclable. Break down cardboard and remove packaging material. 



Composting is currently available in the Meyerhoff House trash rooms on the 2nd and 3rd floors. Compost can be disposed of in the green bins at the back of the trash rooms. Compost can be reused as fertilizer and soil amendment, and is more beneficial for plants because it helps retain water and nutrients. Including incorrect materials can ruin the whole compost pile, and would then have to be sent to a landfill. 

Image result for ecycleE-waste

Blue e-waste containers are located in most academic and residential buildings on the MICA campus. E-waste contain chemicals that be harmful if disposed of incorrectly, and can cause harm to humans and animals, especially those containing carcinogens. When disposed of correctly, steel, aluminum, copper, plastic and precious metals can be extracted and reused in new products!