Learning Resource Center

Resources for Students

Yes, the LRC is open virtually Monday – Friday, 9:00am-5:00pm. To schedule a meeting with the LRC director via Google Hangouts or phone, email lrc@mica.edu. To schedule a meeting with a peer academic coach, click here. The LRC will not be proctoring exams while virtual instruction is in place at MICA.

The LRC will not be proctoring exams while MICA's instruction remains online only. Please communicate with your instructors to discuss your exam accommodations in their courses.

Some instructors may opt for alternative assessments (e.g. essays, untimed exams) which would not require exam accommodations. 

If your instructor is creating online timed exams, please notify your instructor if you will need extended time. Your instructor is able to extend the time for exams in Canvas. If you or your instructor have questions, you should email lrc@mica.edu. The LRC will coordinate support through MICA's Teaching Technology Center. 

Once you have learned from your instructor how they will adapt the course for virtual instruction, please let the LRC know whether you would like to continue receiving notes.

You may find that you no longer need a note taker due to the course design changes. For example, lectures that are pre-recorded videos can be watched at your own pace. On the other hand, some instructors may still opt for scheduled class meetings with real-time communication using Zoom or another synchronous meeting platform. 

Please continue to contact your instructor and the LRC to request leniency with attendance or assignment deadlines on a case-by-case basis. You should contact your instructors and the LRC to discuss any barriers presented by changes to the course format. Let the LRC know right away if you anticipate needing any different accommodations.

If you are not currently registered with the LRC, please follow the steps outlined on the LRC's How to Request Accommodations page. 

If you are currently registered with the LRC, please email lrc@mica.edu to initiate a discussion about your accommodations.

Create folders for each course in your email. This will help you to organize daily communications and to manage the huge influx of information that you can expect via email. 

Check your email and Canvas courses every day. Because your course content is likely to be coming in an unfamiliar format, you will need to spend more time learning where to find course content, what assignments are due, and assignment expectations that you may be used to. You may also need to allocate more time to reading, reviewing your notes, or other active study modes that are different that your usual process. Create a daily routine and stick to it for consistency. 

Use academic support. The Writing Studio is ready to provide virtual tutoring. Students can make an appointment for a virtual tutoring session via the Writing Studio's Calendly

The LRC's academic coaches are ready to provide virtual peer-to-peer support. Students can . see availability and schedule an appointment here.

Decker Library is offering many remote resources that can be accessed here: https://testing.mica.edu/libraries/decker-library/about/current-operations-information

Incoming Students Disability Resources Guide was created to help prepare for transition to the college learning environment. The guide covers:
Differences between high school and college accommodations
- Transition tips for students with disabilities
- Parent and family transition tips
- Campus visits

Manage Your Time (PDF)
Manage Your Attention (PDF)
Manage Your Energy (PDF)

Tips for Communicating with Your Professors (PDF)


Productivity Lab - CANCELLED
Until further notice, this recurring event has been cancelled.
Thursdays, Bunting 110
Meet weekly to reduce procrastination, plan semester goals, and develop weekly schedules to achieve those goals. Open to all students. Come to one, some, or all Thursday meetings. Snacks provided.
MICA Events Calendar