Office of Graduate Studies

Graduate Studies Team

Meet your Graduate Studies team

Learn about who we are, what we do, and how we can help you navigate the Graduate Studies programs at MICA. 

Who We Are - Spring 2020

Stacey Salazar

Stacey Salazar, Interim Vice Provost for Graduate Studies

Stacey serves as the educational and administrative leader for all graduate programs, and is the principle spokesperson for Graduate Studies within MICA, as well as with external partners and communities. She oversees the operations of the division including all directors, faculty, programs, administrative staff, and associated budgets, and participates in planning for programs, space, equipment, and technology. In addition, Stacey works with faculty to steward new approaches to curriculum and pedagogy reflective of the student body, social justice, and multifaceted ways of learning; supports faculty with assessment of student learning. With the Graduate Enrollment Advisor and Associate Dean, Stacey works to address students issues as they arise.
Erin Jakowski

Erin Jakowski, Associate Dean

Erin oversees graduate co-curricular activities and programming, manages the MICA Grad Show season and design, Graduate Competitive Fellowships and Residencies and Launch series. Erin is the office point person for student leave of absence and readmission, Spring AY20 You + course scheduling and supports the work of the Vice Provost to address student concerns as they arise. Erin also supports the planning of the AY21 Mixed Media Series.

TBD Spring 2020, Associate Dean for Curriculum & Assessment

Oversees graduate liberal arts elective offerings, works with the Vice Provost to support program directors, and oversees hiring and evaluation of part-time graduate faculty, Artists in Residence, and the Engineer in Residence.

Manager of Academic Operations

Sarah Hammond, Manager of Academic Operations

Sarah manages operations, budgets, and facilities for academic programs in Graduates Studies, serving as the primary liaison for the department with Operations, Finance, and Human Resources, coordinating relevant projects and activities with these areas. She also manages the Graduate Program Assistant (GPA) program and contributes to the planning and support of multiple graduate events and programs.
Andrew Lundholm

Drew Lundholm, Assistant Director

Drew coordinates Graduate Research Development Grants, Leslie King-Hammond Fellowship Awards, faculty contracts, course schedule building, and graduate elective faculty support, organizes graduate faculty housing and collects and coordinates academic course material databases including course evaluations, assessment, and student thesis work.
Malvina D'Alterio

Malvina D'Alterio, Operations Coordinator

First point of contact for MFAST, MFACA, MAAE (on hiatus), MAT, Rinehart School of Sculpture, Illustration Practice and MA in Illustration programs, this includes helping with Workday Finance transactions, room reservations and assisting with their budgets. She is also is the first point of contact for emergent and ongoing facilities issues. Malvina coordinates facilities maintenance projects, studio move-in and move-out, low-residency degree program Summer Session and Winter Session, and Common Ground, the Lazarus Center student services flex space.
Amelia Szpiech

Amelia Szpiech, Program Coordinator

Amelia is the first point of contact for Curatorial Practice, Leroy E. Hoffberger School of Painting, PEM, Post Bac Fine Arts, coordinates Fall and Summer Graduate Program Exhibitions, coordinates and supports the MICA Grad Show season of events, coordinates Graduate Orientations, and coordinates Grad Open Studios.
Maren Henson

Maren Henson, Program Coordinator

Maren works part time as the first point of contact for Mt. Royal School of Art.

Elle Jones

Elle Jones, Administrative Assistant

Elle coordinates graduate newsletter submissions/publication, manages the Vice Provost’s calendar, supports graduate studies finance operations, supports graduate staff and faculty searches, schedules meetings with graduate office staff, assists with commencement and orientation communications, approves room requests for L 118, supervises work study students, and collects syllabi.
LaShay Harvey

LaShay Harvey, Graduate Enrollment Advisor

LaShay advises graduate students on all course registration matters, in-person, virtually, or via phone, advocates for graduate students’ concerns with courses and programs, discusses thesis projects and the most advantageous course structure to meet that end, and provides the necessary documents for and counsel on undergraduate course enrollment, independent study projects, Baltimore Student Exchange Program, etc.

Schedule an advising appointment with LaShay.