Office of Sustainability

MICA Campus Sustainability

Here are a few ways MICA is sustainable on campus:

Filtered water coolers have been installed throughout the campus to reduce or eliminate the use of bottled water. Additionally, systems have been installed in some buildings filter potable water in the building. The water coolers have the further advantages of providing hot or cold water, and they help reduce the spread of germs by discouraging people from drinking from the same fountain nozzle. In addition, they save the space that was being occupied by some Departments storing 5-gallon water bottles. There are also fewer delivery trucks on campus.


Hand dryers have been installed in many MICA restrooms to reduce the use of paper towels. Hand dryers have several advantages over paper towels. Paper towels must be stocked daily, are thrown into the landfill when used, and consume trees to manufacture. Paper towels also must be delivered on a regular basis. Once installed, energy efficient hand dryers dry hands at a fraction of the cost of paper towels and produce no mess that needs to be cleaned up.


Highly efficient LED lighting has been installed in some of the school's gallery spaces and in the Brown Center atrium, as well as in Falvey Hall. The LED bulbs replaced halogen bulbs that typically consumed from 100 watts to up to 300 watts with LED bulbs that consume no more than 18 watts of electricity. The LED bulbs also burn cooler, thereby reducing the cooling load in the buildings. The lifespan of an LED bulb is expected to be up to 10 years, whereas halogen bulbs have to be changed several times each semester. This helps reduce maintenance costs.


By installing energy efficient lighting throughout every MICA building, installing motion sensors to automatically turn off lights when spaces are not being used, and installing updated energy efficient heating and cooling systems, MICA has reduced its energy consumption.   


MICA now uses low VOC or no VOC paints on the interior and exterior of its buildings.


Facilities Management's Buildings Services staff now uses certified green products for their cleaning efforts. The staff also uses toilet tissue and paper towels made from recycled materials, and trash bags made from recycled materials.


MICA has installed bicycle racks convenient to every building on campus.

Use of zero-emission vehicles

MICA's Operations staff uses a combination of electric and hybrid vehicles for day-to-day operations. These vehicles help reduce exhaust emissions and the use of fossil fuels, as well as reduce noise pollution. 

Procurement policy

Consideration of the development of draft language centered around environmentally friendly procurement and purchasing plan tenants which could be incorporated in the new procurement policy.

Electric car charging stations

Charging stations are provided in Lazarus, Bunting, Leake, North Ave. and 1501 parking lots.

Conforming to local, state, and federal regulations

MICA complies with all relevant regulations regarding the use and disposal of chlorofluorocarbons and refrigerant gases.