Writing Studio

Meet Our Office

Our experienced team of professional tutors is here to assist students with a wide variety of writing projects—at any stage of the writing process. We also support our English Language Learners in facets related to written and conversational English. Our tutorials last 50 minutes and start at the top of the hour.

Writing Studio Staff:


Michele Glenn holds an MS degree in Professional Writing, an MA in Communication Theory, a BA in Art History, and a CTEFL (Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language). Her MS capstone was entitled “Creating a Model EFL Writing Center for EFL Students in Thailand.” She has taught the English Language Arts and Art History at the college-level, both abroad and in the United States, since 1997. She specializes in all of the ELL domains and elocution as well as art history.

Professional Tutors:

Andrew Taylor has a BA in Creative Writing. He has studied internationally in Morocco, Guatemala, and Italy. When not tutoring, Andrew is a lead instructor at the Baltimore Chesapeake Bay Outward Bound School where he mentors both local and international youth in character building through the wilderness. In his tutoring he specializes in big picture concepts such as thesis building, paper structure/formatting, voice, tone, and themes. 


Ashley Guchhait is a recent alumnus of the Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) where she obtained her Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA) in Interactive Arts while concentrating in Game Arts and Humanistic Studies while focusing on Creative Writing and Art History in 2017. As a senior, launched her own business, Boba Studios, a Baltimore-based, women-owned video game studio. She has a love of professional development she fostered while working in MICA’s Center for Career Development as a student and a graduate. She is additionally experience working with ELL students to prepare them for their college experience as a part of MICA’s International Student Cultural Orientation Program (ISCOP) program. Ashley is excited to work with students in writing of all forms⁠—both creative and academic, as papers, and as artwork, including interactive mediums.


Carolyn Harf has an MA in Environmental Geography and TESOL certification. She has extensive experience as a teacher of adult-level ELLs and as an editor. As a tutor, Carolyn assists ELLs in speaking, listening, reading, writing, and grammar. Additionally, she reviews student papers for creative and cohesive content as well as mechanics and citations. She specializes in artist statements, cover letters, and academic papers, such as research essays and formal analyses.


Casey Bieda has an MA In English Literature, with a specialization in Medieval & Early Modern Literature, Adaptation, Race & Illustration. She also holds two Bachelor’s degrees: a BA in English Literature, with an emphasis in Medieval & Early Modern Literature; and a BA in History, with a specialization in Medieval & Early Modern European History. Her BA minor is in Classical History, with a focus on Ancient Roman History & Latin. Casey presently teaches writing at both American University and the George Washington University in Washington, DC. Additionally, she has several years of writing center tutoring experience. 


David J. Hills holds a BA in English and Theatre with a concentration in writing from Goucher College. In addition to his time at MICA, David has worked with students at Goucher College's writing center and Bard Early College Baltimore. David specializes in creative writing, widely interpreted, and academic writing in the humanities. 


Elizabeth Leik has an MFA in Creative Nonfiction and an MS in Education. She has taught freshman composition and research writing, as well as ESL writing skills to college students in class and online. She is experienced with Chicago, MLA, and APA formats. She also works with students on resumes, personal statements, and critical analyses.


Emily Hewlings holds a BA degree in English with a concentration in Writing and a minor in Psychology. Emily has over eight years of tutoring experience in the writing realm, including professional, academic and creative writing. She is eager to work on any assignment, but is well versed in critical inquiry, formal analyses, and senior thesis projects. Emily has also worked extensively with students with documented disabilities and provides one-on-one instruction in organizational techniques and study skills in academic writing. 


Julie Chang Kierski has a Master of Fine Arts & Design, an MA in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages), and a Master of Teaching certificate. Her BA is in Studio Art. Julie’s professional ELL experience includes teaching ELL domains overseas and in the United States since 2009. In addition, she has worked as an ESL content editor and a graphic arts and web designer. 


Kyrstin Cooksey is a recent alumnus of the Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) in 2018 where she  attained her BFA in Animation with a concentration in Game Arts. As a student, she engaged through co-running a student organization and working in the Decker Library, where she developed research skills. During her time at MICA, Kyrstin launched her business, Boba Studios, a women-owned and -run game developer studio based in Baltimore, Maryland. Additionally, she has experience working with ELL students to help adjust to their experience at MICA as a part of the International Student Cultural Orientation Program (ISCOP). In the Writing Studio, Kyrstin specializes in writing for art mediums like animation, games, and comics.


Linda Lyon has a BA in Anthropology and also has studied Wildlife Biology. She presently is pursuing graduate studies in Art Education. Linda is a practicing artist, working in fiber arts, graphic design, and animation. She has experience in both science and creative writing. 


Mary Marks holds a BA in English and an MA in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages). She has taught the ELL domains to adults at the Community College of Baltimore County, from beginner through advanced levels. Additionally, she is experienced in teaching Academic English in Reading, Writing, and Grammar for ELL students preparing to qualify for college credit courses.


Ralph Hubbell tutors in the Writing Studio and teaching Academic Writing Workshop, Graduate Writing Workshop and Critical Inquiry. He has a BA in English, as well as an MA in TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) from Hunter College and an MFA in Creative Writing from Johns Hopkins University. A fiction writer and life-long learner, he enjoys working with both native- and non-native English-speaking students in their efforts to craft thought-provoking and evocatively worded writing.


Richard Estanich has a double major in Philosophy and Political Science as well as a CTEFL (Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language). He has logged over twenty years as an ELL instructor to adults and children, both in the United States and abroad. Richard especially enjoys helping students with their Humanistic Studies and Art History essays. 


Shane Moritz holds an MA and an MFA in Creative Writing (Fiction). He currently teaches English Composition at the University of Maryland Baltimore County (UMBC) and creative writing through the Odyssey Program at Johns Hopkins. His writing has been recognized by the American Academy of Poets. He is an American-Australian.

Susannah Mohan has a BA in Writing & Religion, with a minor in Literature, as well as a CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults). She taught Tibetan refugees in Dharamsala, India, for seven years and served as Communications Director for the Norbulingka Institute-Dharamsala. She presently teaches ELL sections of Academic Writing Workshop at MICA and ELL skills to immigrants in Baltimore City.


We're Here to Help!


Writing Studio 1601 W. Mount Royal Ave. Gateway, Room 140 Baltimore, MD 21217