Center for Art Education

Art Education Research

The Center for Art Education is home to a number of graduate programs that develop the habits and skills related to conducting research in the classroom.

The MA in Art Education program has been especially successful in disseminating graduates' classroom investigations through national peer-reviewed conference presentations and journals: more than a 100 proposals by our graduates have been accepted for presentation at the National Art Education Association annual conferences, and many graduates of the MA in Art Education have had their research articles accepted for publication in Art Education Journal.

Art Education Articles, Conferences, and Faculty Research

Published Articles

These articles explore a range of questions that have arisen out of the intersection of studio and classroom practice. The story of how each study came about is told as teachers working in authentic settings work to make sense out of their findings that will be useful to others. Common to many is the investigation of ways to deepen the engagement and foster the growth of their students in and through art.

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Presentations at National Conferences

Titles of presentations reveal the range of questions explored over the course of a decade.

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Faculty Research

The Center's faculty in art education are active researchers. Publications are listed by faculty member.

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