Center for Art Education

Art & Environmental Juctice

MFACA Alumna Kasey Jones produces community art project at Baltimore’s National Aquarium for World Oceans Day.

As part of this year's World Oceans Day celebration, Baltimore's National Aquarium partnered with MICA MFA in Community Arts alumna Kasey Jones (MFACA '14) to produce a community art project. Over 1,000 visitors weaved 4,000 recycled plastic bags into the framework of a large-scale sculpture depicting the Aquarium's green sea turtle, Calypso. Also, 1,000 reusable totes were distributed in an effort to increase the understanding of and reduce the harmful impact of plastics on the environment. The great turnout and resulting conversations had a profound impact on participants and Kasey's own development as an artist, activist and educator. In this case, the medium truly is the message!  The full story can be found HERE on the National Aquarium website.