
Naeeme Mohammadi '17

As an architect, Naeeme Mohammadi believes that architecture has the potential to turn social challenges into outstanding advantages. During thirteen years of professional practice, Naeeme’s main concern was realizing users' contribution in the design process, finding out their real needs and questing to fulfill those needs. Seeking to expand her knowledge about the community engagement in shaping the environment, she was drawn to the MASD program.

She was engaged in small- to large-scale community design projects from urban planning and design to buildings layouts. Leading a design studio in Iran during the last six years, she was involved in the whole process from client assessment, schematic design, to construction stages. This gave her an adequate conception of the design to build process. Additionally, she has a solid background in research due to her two rewarded projects; “Deployable Emergency Structures” and “Biomimicry in Architecture”. Naeeme obtained her master of architecture from Shahid Beheshti University.

Thesis: How might we ensure that neighborhood revitalization benefits local residents?
