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Graduate Research Development Grants

How To Write a Grant Proposal

Tell a compelling story

Heading Page

This lists you name, your program, your year and a title for your proposal. 

Single Page Proposal

First Paragraph: 

This is a very brief (typically 20-word description) of your mission or your need; what you want to accomplish and the name of the grant for which you are applying 

Body Paragraphs: 

A little about your work and the activities you hope to accomplish in order to get you to your outcomes. Here you can mention if you have established any partnerships in order to accomplish your research. 

Last paragraph: 

Explain how will you know you are successful. What will the impact be on your practice, career, your audience, the community. 


  • Applicants should indicate whether they have obtained matching funds or are currently applying for additional funds from the College or elsewhere. 
  • Be very specific and do not use general descriptions like “art supplies”. 
  • When relevant include actual prices and links or screen shots of the prices demonstrated in proposed budget.

Writing Tips

  • Be concise and clear
  • Use active verbs 
  • Create a story that the committee can visualize 
  • Give concrete action plans; don’t write too much about the theoretical as you have to keep it to a single page. 
  • Create white space and small paragraphs

Feedback + Revisions

  • Follow the guidelines to the letter 
  • Have 1-2 proofreaders 
  • When in doubt- call the support staff! 
  • Spellcheck and proofread again.


  • Don’t take rejection personally 
  • Rejection is part of being an artist 
  • You will learn a lot just by going through the process 
  • Apply again or for other opportunities

Writing Support at MICA

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